What I Wish I Could Tell You Poem by FienX lastname

What I Wish I Could Tell You

Who told you the hollows between your ribs weren't deep enough?
Or your face was meant to be covered?
What made you deprive your temple of critical nutrients?
Who took away your spirit?
What swallowed your hope?
It's been months since I've seen your smile
Looking through old pictures you radiate through the page
Now you can't even look at me
Your cries shake your frail body

Your skin is fading
Your heart's degrading
The little girl that didn't want to grow up
Now trapped in an empty cavern
Surrounded by demons whispering into her ear
Each whisper stealing an ounce of her innocence
And a couple hundred calories
Your hopes and dreams replaced with a magazine cover
Your independence sufficed with a dietary app

Your skin is not a canvas to destroy
Your life is not a leaf plucked to dwindle in the wind
You are not the number on your scale
Or the number of calories you took in
You're not a damn number

You're a human, perfectly imperfect, made in Gods image
You're a kid, don't waste your youth, a bright future awaits, not to be corrupted
You're my best friend, laughing till 4am
You're a daughter, aiming to do it all on your own
You're a sister, making your protective big brother proud
You're a twin, an infinite soul mate and glance in the mirror.
You're individually beautiful and born full of life
You're a follower, to spread positivity
Not to be a sheep taking advice from the wolves
You want control?
Grab the wheel, take the ball
But You aren't gonna make it big when you're so focused on looking small

You're lessening yourself all over
Consumed by yourself
Your voice is barely there
Speak up
Above the voices telling you such cruelty
I'm sorry babygirl but you need to grow up and out
And tearing apart your body won't tear apart our friendship
It's not that easy
Not as easy as cutting carbs.

It's not easy loosing control
It's not facile fighting hard
But you're not alone
You are dearly loved.
When I loose hope in you I will have lost hope in humanity

-Keep hope alive

Monday, May 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
Chinedu Dike 14 May 2019

Well articulated and nicely brought forth from the inner recesses of the heart with conviction. Lovely and very passionate. Thanks for sharing, FienX.

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Fienx Ø 15 May 2019

That means so much! Thank you!

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