What If Poem by Marlene Rashidi

What If

Rating: 4.8

What if every second you spent in the world was spent peacefully
What if your tears were turned into tears of joy
Your nightmares turned into dreams that comes to reality
How hard can that be?

What if everybody was a poet
And every word carried a strong meaning
Such as 'Love'
Is that even possible?

What if the world breaks a fall
Will the people lose hope?
Will debate start among people?
Will wars take control of the world?
How many people will weep?
How many people will get injured?
And how many will die?
Will it ever happened?

What if everyone was equal
Will that stop the race discrimination?
The fights between to different race.
Would everybody be rich and happy?
I hope that happens.

What if no one was ever convicted
Does that mean no guilty were being said?
No one killed any one?
If it could ever be true?

What if your bitter past never,
interferes your sweet future
Your broken heart never
gets broken again
How would that feel like?

What if the teen suicide rate goes down
Wouldn't that make you think that every
teen is happy and protected?
God help the juveniles.

What if everything was just normal
And no tears fell down people's faces
Only smiles and laughters were shared.
Hope in it, for me has never end.

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