What Is Love? Poem by albert lopez

What Is Love?

What is love? is a question u asked me many times and to witch da answer i did not no but now that ive grew and my eyes have opened now do u wanna no what love is? what u meant to me and that what i felt 4 u was love and not lust you were that one girl i thouth would always be next to me love....love now i got an answer to ur question u no who you are cause u asked me this many times well love is when your willing to give it all for that special some one love is that you no that youll b der for them trew the good and the bad times love it when every ones against her your da one standing by her side and holding her tight telling her every things going to be all right love is when you rather get hurt a million times before she feels any pain that you rather go trew all da pain and at the end b satified with seeing her happy 'you once told me what you feel is not love your too young to no what true love is'then answer me this Why did it hurt so much when you said bye? why did it?

Joseph Poewhit 05 June 2009

Sends forth a real question

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