What Makes My Suburb Great Poem by Alexandre Nodopaka

What Makes My Suburb Great

or a Spiritual Outlook on One's Last Trip

is that we still have cows and horses
roaming the landscape
instead of orangutans running our nation.

The latest news to hit the marquee is that
a cow crossing Santiago Canyon Road
was struck by of all things
a tiny Civic Honda car.

I can see her bovine surprise staring
into the headlights coming out of a turn
that are plentiful in that area.

I'd expect a coyote road kill or maybe
a possum if not a raccoon but this story
tops the one from last week
when a horse met a similar fate.

See what you get for the ability to jump
high fences!

I wonder what they were thinking
leaping the gates of Paradise in the midst
of all those apple orchards.

Where was God at that time!

Well, this road to Heaven is well traveled
during the day but these collisions
happened late at night.

Was the Devil lurking from behind a barn?

Maybe the ghosts of yesteryear
spooked them out of Eden.

Well, that's when things end like that.

These things come down to a garbage truck
or a black limo picking up the remains.

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