What Survives Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke

What Survives

Rating: 3.1

Who says that all must vanish?
Who knows, perhaps the flight
of the bird you wound remains,
and perhaps flowers survive
caresses in us, in their ground.

It isn't the gesture that lasts,
but it dresses you again in gold
armor - from breast to knees-
and the battle was so pure
an Angel wears it after you.

Translated by A. Poulin

What Survives
Fabrizio Frosini 13 November 2015

Qui te dit que tout disparaisse?

4 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 13 November 2015

''Who says that all must vanish? '' - ''Chi dice che tutto deve sparire? '' right.. « Nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge, tutto si trasforma », Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier :) for the principle of mass conservation.. and then, we can extend the concept to energy.. as the total energy of an isolated system remains constant..

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Anna Brown 26 September 2008

hi Manu! this poem was originally in French (Rilke wrote several hundred poems in that language) . here it is: Qui te dit que tout disparaisse? De l'oiseau que tu blesses, Qui sait s'il ne reste le vol? Et peut-être les fleurs des caresses Survivent à nous, de leur sol. Ce n'est pas le geste qui dure, Mais il nous revêt de l'armure D'or, des flancs aux genoux, Et tant la bataille fut pure, Un ange la porte après nous.

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Manu Buks 22 September 2006

does anyone knows the german title of this poem? ? thanks.

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Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke

Prague / Czech Republic
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