Whatever You Do Poem by Gary James Smith

Whatever You Do

Rating: 5.0

Whatever You Do

Whatever you do for God
Is a work that is never lost
In itself it's a form of worship
As a result of Calvary's Cross
A sacrificial offering
For we have been redeemed
And offer back unto the Lord
In service largely unseen

For in the hidden man of the heart
Our motives are laid bare
And God Himself only knows
As He initiates prayer
And so we live and so we serve
With an accountability higher up
Looking forward to that day
When with the Lord we'll sup

Then there before millions of saints
The depth of our purity
Or all the wickedness
that we harboured
Laid bare for all to see
Before that wonderful feast in Heaven
The marriage supper of the Lamb
The Judgement Seat of Christ shall reckon
The just balance for each man

So live as if your surely expecting
That this could be your day
To be called upon to give an account
What will you have to say
In the presence of the Lord
Who gave such a
Will we stand shamefaced as it's rehearsed
The story of our lives

Copyright February 23 20184: 33am

Gary James Smith

Monday, February 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: worship
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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