When Feathers Rain Down Poem by Uloia Norris Moore

When Feathers Rain Down

So they then have been cast
grappling with present past.

Down soft to touch yet
must be shed
in honor of flight
that sends them high.

Feathers of breed different kind
fight to the death
defend there young
knowing all well
that some such fights
will shatter the nest
none then may know
freedom of light called flight.

Tender there young doth they
enjoin the bond they stay.

Mighty talented in flight
magnificent sight.

The regale of such makes
you take a deep sigh
perhaps have you thinking
looking for one of the reasons
the sky is still there.

Trading places without care would I

x... x... 14 November 2007

Nice write about the beauty of an Eagle.....Well done, Eagle....marci.m.

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Dont believeVenice Angel ahe does not know how to read poetry or write poetry.. As for me I am more attuned to your poetry of eotional survival without a disaster management kit.. take care man and beware of false flattery and tell them you are taken///by your muse. peace firoze shakir

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poetry lover 14 November 2007

Very nicely written, I loved it.

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Uloia Norris Moore

Uloia Norris Moore

Southern United States
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