When God Breaks His Silence Poem by Denis Martindale

When God Breaks His Silence

Let young Earth tremble 'neath His feet while planets still align
And in one pathway, let them meet and represent His sign,
For just as Israelites converge, one nation to behold,
The Heavens, too, must one time merge, as prophecies foretold!
The faithful wise ones kneel and pray! The Bridegroom's at the door!
The Saviour King's sent on His way, of this, you can be sure...

Else why would Christ, God's Son, submit to death upon the Cross,
If not upon His throne to sit and burn the Devil's dross?
Then Israel, slow through disbelief, repents with earnest shame,
To learn they caused their Saviour grief, yet now call on His name...
What love is shared by God above? Like manna from on high!
Like snowflakes from the King of Love! Like melted tears men cry!

Rejoice all ears that hear God speak! Hearts happy now, dear friends!
God loves you strong! God loves you weak! Receive the love He sends!
The Holy Spirit once in Christ is shared with mortals, too...
Though bruised and pierced and sacrificed, Lord Jesus died for YOU...
Behold one day of righteousness like none the Earth has known...
When God speaks one almighty, 'YES! I AM HERE, YOU'RE NOT ALONE! '

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