When I Don't Express... Poem by Jahnvi Bijlani

When I Don't Express...

Rating: 4.9

When I don't express,
It's not that I am emotionless
Emotions and feelings surround my mind constantly
Some may even call me stone-hearted
Some may even call me anti-social
But I have my own way to express

May be I express not immediately
But surely after sometime
I may cry, laugh, smile
But not when you see me

Some think I am arrogant
Some say I have ego
But I like companies which I like
And when I like
I am not expressionless
I feel lonely, I cry
I feel happy, I laugh
I fee pain, I suffer

I accept I am different
But there's no harm in it
Coz difference brings change
And change is part of everyone's life
And my life is a part of change
Your life is also different
Whether you accept or not
Its surely not as mine.

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: emotional,self discovery
Nick Staley 03 March 2018

Revealing what’s important to you is a beautiful message

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Chinedu Dike 04 March 2018

Deep feelings conveyed with clarity of thought and mind. A beautiful creation, well conceived and nicely brought forth with conviction. Thanks for sharing Jahnvi and do remain enriched.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 04 March 2018

I am not expressionless I feel lonely, I cry I feel happy, I laugh I fee pain, I suffer A lovely poem so beautifully crafted. Dear poet, keep it up. 10 for the sharing. Subhas

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Jahnvi Bijlani 03 March 2018

Thanks for the comments

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Kumarmani Mahakul 03 March 2018

Welcome to PoemHunter. Emotions and feelings surround mind constantly. No person can be emotionless is true. Every soul carries his own values within and power of feelings. Each soul is unique. Confidence and courage matter a lot in life to lead. This poem is excellent and brilliant...10

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Dr Antony Theodore 03 March 2018

I accept I am different But there's no harm in it Coz difference brings change And change is part of everyone's life..... your selfdiscovery is truth of your own self...... remain true to be you. be confident because there is no second Jahnvi here on earth..... you are so unique....... thank you dear poetess. tony

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