When Ole School Friends Meet Poem by Seema Jayaraman

When Ole School Friends Meet

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When chuddy buddies meet
It's like quarter century unelapsed
Spanning the breadth of lives and earth
Like ydays high school pass outs
Never mind the bellies or scant pate
Through Veils of time and memories
Easily we reverted to those carefree days
Volumes spoken in grins and cheers
All churned and learnt in the last bench
So many reminiscences bantered
That small window of our meeting
Standing one legged with Bent knees romance books under skirts canopy
Questing young minds in Chemistry lab
Boyz scoring a brilliant pink
Precipitation experiments covertly with urine! !
Teen distrust, enmity of boyz and girls
Dissected frogs and live toads in tiffins
We sized each other with fist fights and cuffs
And then ceased with truce for joint mischief
Furious games of volley balls and doze balls
With intentions to smash wrists and shins
Western dance in the new computer lab
With teachers trying to figure mechanics
Of operating the damned shiny machines
Cassettes hidden in nests in exhaust fans
Oh those were the days of humble living
Tiffin dabbas shared tasty morsels for each
Like fluffy butter our teachers churned us
Hopefully today we are better beings
But we still like the 'khatta chaas' (sour buttermilk)
Spiced with life's chillies and curry leaves
- - - -
Seema Jayaraman,4 Jan 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: friends
Suresh Kumar Ek 03 September 2020

poem creates nostalgia

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Unnikrishnan E S 09 October 2018

My daughter asks me, “how could you even think of going to a men’s college? I will not go to a women’s college at all.” So, I put her in VIT, Vellur. Yeah, co-ed, definitely...

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Unnikrishnan E S 09 October 2018

Wow! MeToo! I too studied my Pre Degree (present plus two) biology and had dissected frogs and cockroaches. And played similar pranks on the unsuspecting classmates and even the lecturer. But, we were short of one lovely environment: ours was a men’s college. No girls. No famale teachers even. No colours. All of one hue..... so sad.

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