'' When They're Finished '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' When They're Finished ''

Are we really alive?
Does all life thrive,
Or are we, but part of a theme,
Puppets all, being kept in a hive,
To realise another's dream.

A dastardly creation,
By an alien nation,
To play with, when they become bored,
Part of someone's imagination,
Where our free will is ignored.

Robots in effect,
When they want to connect,
You become a part of their game,
Who lives or dies, the player will select,
It's they, who'll praise or defame.

They don't hear our call,
Our fate we can't stall,
That's part of the game they are playing,
They decide, when we stand or fall,
Truth is, it's on us they are preying.

What's to be found,
When we look around,
Are exactly what they want us to see,
Though this story may well astound,
Believe it, none of us are free.

Try to fight back,
Their patience will crack,
They do not like trouble or strife,
You my friend, will be under attack,
You'll lose what you see as life.

When it's your time to go,
You won't even know,
That will be your creator's decision,
Regardless of whether it's fast or slow,
He or she, won't feel any derision.

You are but their toy,
To amuse or annoy,
Whatever happens, they remain undiminished,
Upset them, it's you they'll destroy,
You'll be cast to the side,

‘' When They're Finished ‘'

Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
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