Where Has Development Led Us And Will Lead To? Poem by Ramesh T A

Where Has Development Led Us And Will Lead To?

Fast going civilized world stands still by Corona curfew;
It seems Time Machine taken the world to the remote past;
Isolated all from world activities, stay at home long
To prevent the spread of deadly viral disease further!

Playing cards, carom and chess, all spend time in families;
Only birds fly free and bird's eye view of situation is seen
Via TV news making all wonder when usual normal fast life
In competition with time will begin and wait and watch sure!

Living and working with machines moving and stationary, we
Have forgotten natural way of life birds and animals still
Live in the world though we have advanced by science and
Technology sans any idea of new diseases affecting life..!

It seems our development is a lopsided one after all as we
Don; t know where it will lead good or bad seeing status now!

Monday, April 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: development
Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 20 April 2020

playing chess, carom, and cards.. Nostalgic.. when we were young, we used to play all these games in door.. Many of our families in TN and India doing these during lock down... Thank you for sharing..development has brought us to where we are now.. too sad!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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