Where I Wait On God To Lead Through The Darkness Poem by Gert Strydom

Where I Wait On God To Lead Through The Darkness

The sun sets red in the silver twilight,
there are doves singing to God their songs of praise,
the wind blows softly and it's suddenly dark
and I am longing for you but cannot expect you,
where I wait on God to lead through the darkness,
as a virus is causing havoc and is a danger to you and me
and I pray send You angels out or please do act
but then You can just speak and it can stop,
or You can limit this thing if You want to.
Outside the wind suddenly becomes stormy,
there are branches at the oak tree that do swing up and down,
it feels as if the lock-down is pressing air out of my lungs.
Your mercy is not just used up,
there is rain that I smell coming near.
The wind all at once stops as if the weather calms down,
in the distance there are blue-white flashes that I notice,
the evening air is somewhat cool
and It's as if I can feel Your presence.
Where I am asking all of these things from You:
that You must take care of humanity,
I do not deserve it and far less
any other person that You must prevent this,
as no human being is on own accord pure
and I constantly ask these things and I hesitate,
where this virus comes from atheists that do not regard You,
where scientists here in South Africa laugh at Your existence
and think that they and the CDC in China can bring salvation,
where this thing is devouring humanity,
while You are but a myth to a great part of the human race,
where You do really exist but on purpose they choose not to regard You,
I do remember that You do say that nothing can separate us from Your love
and hereby I ask save humanity and my wife and me.

[Reference: Romans 8: 38, ]
© Gert Strydom

Thursday, April 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: prayer
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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