Where There A Smile Thus There A Special Star Of Respect.. Poem by Raymond Sawyer

Where There A Smile Thus There A Special Star Of Respect..

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When one feel the sun thus one feel the smile o respect yet the smile of respect is the smile of a star of Star bucks for every cup of coffee that been fill with respect is the family of Star bucks.

Oh what a lovely day for a walk to the Star bucks and yet just to taste the fresh cup of coffee i like feeling the touch of respect but when the sun shine thus once eyes shall sparkle like the diamond in the night.

To sing is to dance in the light of the family of Star bucks and yet every touch of respect is the touch of a star that says welcome to Star bucks just to feel the breeze whisper the name Star bucks thus one feel like one of the family with respect.

A special night for there a special star that is the star of respect but for who's heart will feel the touch of respect to touch heart is like catching a falling angel for who's eyes sparkle like the diamond in the night.

Day or night Star bucks shall always touch once heart with respect thus respect is special to the family of Starbucks.
Carol Bailey 15 November 2016

It does not matter where you are as long as you are with the right people.

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Akhtar Jawad 11 August 2015

A special night for there a special star that is the star of respect but for who's heart will feel the touch of respect to touch heart is like catching a falling angel for who's eyes sparkle like the diamond in the night. Beautiful.

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