Raymond Sawyer

Raymond Sawyer Poems

Every whisper that one hear is the name that has respect and yet just to look in the eyes of the stars of Star bucks is the star of respect that will fill once heart with the respect of Star bucks when one smile thus one smile with respect.

When the birds sing for they sing with happiness just to see the blue sky is like seeing the moon light of a angel of Star bucks yet when there is happiness thus one feel the touch of respect in once heart for the stars of Star bucks.

When one feel the sun thus one feel the smile o respect yet the smile of respect is the smile of a star of Star bucks for every cup of coffee that been fill with respect is the family of Star bucks.

Oh what a lovely day for a walk to the Star bucks and yet just to taste the fresh cup of coffee i like feeling the touch of respect but when the sun shine thus once eyes shall sparkle like the diamond in the night.

For when the sky is clear thus one can see a star but for every star that shine in the night for there a angel for who's eyes sparkle in the night but for who will feel the touch of respect just to see the moon raise just to touch the night sky with the touch of respect thus for every min that one wish for the touch of respect and yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

Where there a heart for every star that touch the night shall shine with respect but for who will feel the touch of respect but just to look in the night sky for there a angel for who's heart is full of respect just to feel the touch of respect is like feeling the touch of a rose that been touch with respect every twinkle is the twinkle of respect yet just to feel the light of life for one feel respect and yet for every star thus the more one wish for respect.

Every min that one wish for a good cup of coffee thus every cup been touch with respect that shall fill once heart but for every warm smile is the stars of Star bucks that has fresh cup of coffee to taste good coffee is like being touch by a angel of Star bucks.

The night that one see a star for one see the name of Star bucks for who shall feel the touch of respect for time after time where there a warm smile there is the stars of Star bucks that shall twinkle in once eyes with respect.

For every star that one see is the family of Star bucks yet when one hear the whisper of Star bucks for it's the night breeze that whisper the name of Star bucks that has fresh coffee been fill with respect.

Just to taste the fresh cup of coffee is like being touch by a rose of love but when one feel the sun for one feel the warm smile of the stars that is family of Star bucks with respect for who's heart will feel the touch of respect.

For one who feel the moon light but one feel the light of respect for Star Bucks is respect and yet for every good cup of coffee for one feel the touch of respect of the stars of Star Bucks thus every star that one see is a special star.

Where there a special star for the special star is the angel for Star Bucks that welcome one for who want a good cup of coffee that is fill with respect that will fill once heart every star that one see is a special star.

A beautiful morning for a good cup of coffee but yet for one to hear the whisper every whisper in the stars of Star Bucks the more one hear a whisper thus the whisper is whispering the name Star Bucks,

For every star that one see is family of Star Bucks that has respect but for every warm smile is the smile of respect where there happiness for one shall feel the sun of respect for the stars of Star Bucks.

For when the sun shine for one will feel respect in the air yet when night slip in for the stars of respect will touch some heart with respect for the stars shall twinkle the name of Star Bucks when the moon is bright thus the family of Star Bucks.

Where there a good cup coffee thus one shall see the family of respect just to see the warm smile of the stars that will fill once heart with beautiful respect is special to the family that has respect.

For every star of Star bucks for respect is special to them for Star bucks show respect yet when one is welcome to Star bucks for they are family of Star bucks just to drink a good cup of coffee for one drink respect that is special to the family of Star bucks.

To see the sun is like feeling the warm smile of the stars of Star bucks and yet the stars is family to Star bucks for who has a lot of respect for one who is welcome to Star bucks for a good cup of fresh coffee.

When one see a star for one see the eyes of a angel for who is the angel of respect but yet when one wish for a good cup of coffee thus the angel shall whisper the name Star bucks for it's the stars that has respect.

But yet every min that one drink a cup of coffee thus one feel the touch of respect for the stars that is family of Star bucks is the stars of respect for respect is special to the family of Star bucks the more one see a warm smile thus the smile is respect.

Oh what a beautiful day and yet what one feel is the smile of respect the more the sun shine the more the family of Star Bucks shall fill once heart with respect but the stars of the night is the stars of respect.

Thus every star that one see is the stars of Star Bucks that has respect for one thus where there good coffee for he stars shall twinkle the name of Star Bucks just to hear the name Star Bucks is the respect for the stars of Star Bucks.

A beautiful night is the night that one see the stars of Star Bucks but for every star that one see is the Star Bucks family and yet it's respect that the stars have to dace under the stars is to dance with respect.

For every warm smile thus a twinkle of respect shall touch once heart with respect where there stars of respect for there Star Bucks for who has good coffee to dance under the stars is to dance with respect.

For when the sun shine thus once smile shall shine like the morning sun every moment that one feel the warmth of the sun thus the angel of respect shall fill once heart with respect for where there is happiness for once eyes shall sparkle like the family in the night.

When one feel the night breeze thus one wish that one can taste a good cup of fresh coffee but yet the breeze that one feel whisper the name of Star bucks for who have a good cup of fresh coffee and yet every min that one think of coffee the more one feel the night breeze whisper the name.

To wish upon a star is like wishing for a gorgeous day day by day for one who make a wish shall feel the warm smile of the stars of Star Bucks.

To wish upon a star thus one see the twinkle in the eyes of the stars just to see the sun is like feeling the beautiful warm smile of the stars of one call Star Bucks.

For one to feel the respect thus one will see the angel with eyes that sparkle in the night thus the blue moon shall raise to touch
the night sky with respect and yet every star that touch the night sky for the family is the angels of the night just to look to the night sky is like feeling the morning sun but to feel respect thus there is the angel of respect.

For when the sun is up the more the birds shall sing for the morning sun and yet the family of Star bucks is the angels of the night but yet for every star that one see or he family shall fill once heart with respect.

Thus when one see the star or every star is the angels of respect for respect is special o the family of Star bucks for it's Starbucks that have a good cup of fresh coffee to drink respect but for every cup of fresh coffee been fill with respect.

For every star that one see yet one see the eyes of the stars of Star Bucks but for one to count a star thus one to count a star thus one count the stars of respect yet when a star smile it's the smile that says hello for one count a star thus one count the stars of Star Bucks.

Thus for one to come to Star Bucks for one come for a good cup of coffee thus every cup of coffee has the touch of respect for every min the sun shine there respect in the air the and yet for one to count a star thus one count the stars of Star Bucks.

Thus every even is a lovely night for the stars of Star Bucks that has a lot of respect but yet for when the sun thus the stars whisper the name Star Bucks for every star shall have a warm smile of respect.

For every min one feel the sun thus one is feeling the respect of the stars of beautiful Star Bucks that show respect the more the stars whisper the name Star Bucks yet Star Bucks whisper with a warm smile that says hello.

For when the sun shine thus it's it's the smile of the stars that twinkle in once eyes yet every moon light walk for one see a star that has respect for one who's been touch he stars that touch a rose is the stars of Star Bucks.

To feel the sun is like being touch by the stars that whisper the name of Star Bucks yet Star Bucks is the place where one see the family that make good drinks but yet the stars that touch a rose is the stars of Star Bucks.

Where there a rose for one see the stars of Star Bucks yet to feel the warm smile of the stars of Star Bucks thus every star that one see is the star of respect where there a smile for the touch of a star of Star Bucks.

The touch of a star is like being touch by a rose of true love yet day or night for one will feel the touch of a star for one call Star Bucks thus every moment one hear the name of Star Bucks for one feel the touch of respect the touch of a star is the touch of Star Bucks.

The Best Poem Of Raymond Sawyer

The Star That Whisper The Name Of Star Bucks.

Every whisper that one hear is the name that has respect and yet just to look in the eyes of the stars of Star bucks is the star of respect that will fill once heart with the respect of Star bucks when one smile thus one smile with respect.

When the birds sing for they sing with happiness just to see the blue sky is like seeing the moon light of a angel of Star bucks yet when there is happiness thus one feel the touch of respect in once heart for the stars of Star bucks.

For every min that one see the family of Star bucks for one feel the touch of respect from the family of Star bucks star after star shall whisper the name of Star bucks in once dreams just to taste a good cup of coffee thus the star that whisper the name of Star bucks.

Raymond Sawyer Comments

Souren Mondal 02 December 2015

You are beautiful soul Raymond. May you always be touched with the Angel of respect, and may the stars always shine above your head.. Bless you my friend.. Be good Raymond.. Be healthy, safe, and keep penning your sweet poems. They are beautiful just like the evening sky filled with stars, and the azure sky of the morning with a bright shining star...

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