Who Am I? Poem by Psychotic Rose

Who Am I?

I am the emotional
Psychotic Rose
Depression spilt in my ink.
Walk in a room full of smiles
And all I can bring is gloominess
Like I walk with the darkest of souls
When really I walk in the light
Just happen to have a personal grey cloud.

Lost, is my inspiration
This dark emotion
Filled from head to toe by dullness
How I feel I shall be thrown over
Into a dark hole, keep me there
So I won't have to face these emotions
But live with them for good.

On the edge ready to fall in
No one catch me for
I am going into a bottomless hole.
Feel no need for this thing they call
Happiness for it just keeps taking me
Right back to where I started.
I make it out this hole
Only to feel like retreating
Right back into it.

Try reading, find a distraction
Nothing really works because
At the end of it all I have to come back
To this harsh reality.
Sleep doesn't get the feeling and toughts
Gone often but it does help sometimes.

Finding words to describe how I feel
But the words seem too busy for me.
Try talking but how does one talk
With no words? Like I said the
ABC's are too busy to deal with me.

So do allow me to nurture you
In this world of lies.,
Take you to a place where no thought dies.
Let's take a journey down Psychotics mind
And see what story the thorns weep tonight.

#Psychotic_Rose 🌹

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: identification,self help,thoughts
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