Whole Library At Home! Poem by Ramesh T A

Whole Library At Home!

Rating: 5.0

Printed books have gone away after books are digitized
Or produced in DVD discs bringing library to home sure!
All publications are nowto read at anytime of day
And night anywhere in the world making technological stride!

Space needed for piling up books has been shrunk as bikini
Swim suit toswim in the ocean of books of knowledge free;
What a pleasure it gives to swim deep on any subject sure
With so much enthusiasm that books are going to be forgotten!

Books are becoming the relics of the past left over here
And there as if a rare treasure not to be lent to anyone
As no printing of rare books are not feasible nowadays at
Any place in the world by any publisher of great repute!

Only books in the form of CD discs can be stored at home as
Books kept in the Shelf as personal library at home ever..!

Friday, April 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: books
Kumarmani Mahakul 12 April 2019

Changing technology has brought the library to home and we have gathered many books with us in e-form. An excellent poem is beautifully penned.10

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Ramesh T A 12 April 2019

Thanks a lot for your generous appreciation of my poem about the status of Books today, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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