Why Condemn A Whole Race Poem by Francis Duggan

Why Condemn A Whole Race

Why condemn a whole race of people for the crimes committed by one
Though he is a seriously flawed person to some mother he is a son
He is in safe keeping in prison till death he must serve out his time
He will die in his cell as an old man the price is big for serious crime.

'Twas not his Race committed his crimes for his crimes why put down a whole Race
Remember he is just one more individual who has brought upon himself disgrace
Some of us can be very racist and we do tend to generalize
To condemn a whole Race because of the few unworthy is not very prudent or wise.

Why condemn a whole Race of people for one who has lost all control
He is after all an individual one who does not have light in his soul
He is dismissed as a bad person and in all of the World he only has one friend
His mother she surely does love him and the mother her child will defend.

Why condemn a whole Race of people because of one guilty of a serious offence
Some generalize because they are racist either that or they lack in common sense
For a whole Race cannot be responsible for one of their kind who did stray
From the righteous path to becoming a criminal for him his kind should not be made to pay.

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