Why I Smile Poem by Stewart Watkins

Why I Smile

Rating: 5.0

I stared the ugly truth in its face
Then I boldly walked away from shame and disgrace

So many beautiful years were taken
I was left out in the cold, dark, rain, shaken

That dark shadow of mine just wouldn't go away
But God's grace and mercy and that luminous light brighten my way

After betrayal had left me in a conundrum
Tomorrow and all of her hopes and dreams were so humdrum

A slow melancholic blues played perpetually in my feeble mind
The tunes of 'Worry, Worry, Worry', 'Ball and Chain', and 'I'd Rather Go Blind'

My head was held low with an ugly frown on my face
No hope. No joy. Just a dark space

But soon and very soon the tides of redemption and justice rolled in
Now, a strong sweet peace dwells deep within

So, when you stare at me with that confused look and wonder why I smile
Just know that this is my story and that I'm a blessed child

Why I Smile
LeeAnn Azzopardi 12 December 2022

Stewart, I can relate about the awful things that is happening, but there must be light at the end of tunnel Take care TFS

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Stewart Watkins 12 December 2022

Yes, Lee Ann. Salvation is a glorious light.

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The ugly face of betrayal…

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Stewart Watkins 12 December 2022

Yes, Menon. Betrayal has an ugly face.

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