LeeAnn Azzopardi

LeeAnn Azzopardi Poems

Yes Dad, I bought flowers
I know it's early
But I wanted you to have them for Father's Day
Unlike last year when there weren't any

Alone in my apartment, listening to the Stones
I wondered what went wrong
I tried to write you a verse that would made you stay
But I couldn't find the words

What about the children?
Will they know know what is a Polar Bear or Elephant?
As the global warning of climate change echoes extinction
Will we have the truth and reconcilliation finally?

I dream of a world called paradise,
Where there's no such things as tears
I dream that no one is harmed,
Because of beliefs or other reasons

The snake slips out of its skin
but never changes
Its tongue makes me nervous
But it's harmless

Take this stone
It's my gift of love
I know it isn't worth anything
But it's what I want to use

She dances like the infinite wind
Not knowing where she's goin'
Never knowing where she has been
She can't stop to rest


I conceal my true feelings
But if I confide them to you
You would probably laugh
And walk away

My poetry is a mystery to me also
I don't know how I write
I feel it isn't any good
That I could make a living

There's a war within me
As though, someone threw a bomb onto my heart
And my brain has melted when you left
All I see is the turmoil of the aftermath

Take this rose and put it in yr hair
As we dance the tango in the dawn's light
The warmth of the rising sun fills our hearts with joy,
But we are cautious

I watch the night's sky
And question how do the planets
Know the art of silence
Do they speak to each other with a language

You are so sweet like
The chocolate that you bring
And the roses are a nice touch
I don't need a diamond ring

I drink my whiskey alone tonight
In my favorite bar
Wondering if anyone would join me
From the crowd of youth in celebrating

Run like the wind
Against the wintry clouds
Against the Iron Horse
That is faster than a bullet

He keeps missing yr heart
Though he has had lots of practice through
The centuries
But he keeps missing yr heart

Make America Great again
By cleaning the lakes and rivers
And stop poisoning the land
Let's stop this division between of everything

She's an angel now
Carried to the other side
She has left a piece of her inside me
Though, we didn't always agree

LeeAnn Azzopardi Biography

I have been living in Canada as an American Citizen for 47years.)

The Best Poem Of LeeAnn Azzopardi

Orchid Haiku

On the window pane
The purple orchid blossoms
Despite the gray sky

LeeAnn Azzopardi Comments

Mj Lemon 16 July 2019

A great poet who knows how to bring out wonderful memories...

4 0 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 14 January 2021

An extraordinary poet, with a treasure of vast experience in life, that blossom into beautiful fragrant poems.

2 0 Reply
Robert Patterson 24 May 2021

A wonderful, echoing tribute to Giorno.

2 0 Reply
Michael Cochrane 18 June 2021

Many thanks for your kind comments

2 0 Reply
Belle Wassermeister 20 August 2021

Happy birthday, LeeAnn! I hope you have a good one!

2 0 Reply

LeeAnn is ranked at #56 in the Best Member Poets today. A recognition she truly deserves for her immensely aesthetic poetry she has benevolently shared with us on PoemHunter. Also, her marvellous Haiku "Orchid Haiku" is placed at 89 in the best member poems. Feels great to see her here.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi is endowed with immense poetic talent and rich varied experiences, that take her poems to very high aesthetic standards. Her rich vocabulary makes them exquisite. And the bright imagery adorn her poems with all hues of life and love.

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Sandra Feldman 20 August 2022

Up to the minute in feelings and heart. Knew you were exceptional from the very start. Our good luck to have you, among the best, In this, our poetic nest.

3 0 Reply
Dr Dillip K Swain 20 August 2022

This was my comment on your poem entitled, "Pavlov's Dog" that I could not post there due to some technical problems: Brilliant use of simile at the end makes the poem thought provoking. Appreciated this wonderful poem of great substance. Top score!

1 0 Reply
Kim Barney 20 December 2021

A poetess who has inspired me more than once! LeeAnn is a caring, truly loving human being.

2 0 Reply

LeeAnn Azzopardi Quotes

Hold on to yr depression learn from yr depression and the poetry will come through

The Great American Novel is a log book of the ride

Yes, the wheels are turning slowly But, for sure, we'll get there

Savour yr youth Because you don't know when you'll lose it

I am at my best when I am depress

Life is the road to the slaughterhouse

What do you call snow on April 1st? God's April Fool's Joke

I don't want to find myself; Don't want to know what I might find out

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