Willpower Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Willpower is the fuel that runs human life;
Like a driver in a computer application,
Or Operating System in cyber programme,
Willpower works life to performances;
Life is deadwood; life, robust carrion,
Without willpower in bright flame within;
Willpower is spine, willpower gives strength
To stand life erect to heaven's height;
Willpower is steam for life's locomotion,
It takes life to places on the time's rails.

However robust the life's engine be,
What steel and rubber constituted it be,
Sans willpower flowing on its hidden tubes,
Life's wheels never move an inch forward;
On the plinth of willpower does build life;
Willpower gives depth and breadth to life,
Willpower is breath and heartbeat of life;
Life blooms in the girdle of taut willpower;
Like wildfire it spreads; like wildfire, consumes,
But unveils the joy of reaching goals.

Willpower is prayer, willpower is toil,
Focused destination is willpower's field;
Willpower is tapas, willpower is struggle,
Willpower is consuming obstacles ahead,
Willpower is commandeering life's passage
To the distant goal set out for life
Along triple jumps and long obstacle runs
Along the path riddled with setbacks
With falls and rise, fatigues, frustrations,
But never veering away from the glow in eyes.

It turns vital force to focused works
And sheds distractions from mind and soul;
It leads from front and drags from distance
In blinkers and slogs to destinations;
Will is great life's passport to success,
Will is life's gift's forces to work;
Willpower makes gifts worthwhile in life;
Willpower is the key to the lock of life
To bring out treasures hidden deep inside
And display to the world what the life is worth.

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