Wine Love Poem by Garret Raja

Wine Love

Once upon a time, a love was born,
Unseen by their eyes, yet destined to adorn.
At the start, their hearts seemed far apart,
But life's tapestry weaves a mysterious art.

Their marriage began with love yet to grow,
Like a vine in winter, with little to show.
But time became a faithful ally, so kind,
And love, like aged wine, began to unwind.

Sweetness and bitterness, like flavors in wine,
Love encompassed both, a taste so divine.
Through highs and lows, they weathered the storm,
Their love maturing, taking its form.

With each passing year, their bond grew strong,
Like vintage wine, its essence prolonged.
Intoxicated by love's elixir they'd find,
A blissful intoxication, leaving them intertwined.

Addicted they became, to love's enchanting spell,
In its grip, their hearts forever dwell.
Craving its touch, like wine on the lips,
Love's fervor they embraced, through its twists and flips.

Yet fleeting it proved, like a sip quickly consumed,
Love's transient nature, in moments resumed.
But their love persisted, enduring with might,
Defying the odds, shining in love's light.

So raise a glass to love's timeless grace,
A love that deepens with each tender embrace.
For like a well-aged wine, their love did bloom,
A testament to love, dispelling all gloom.

In this journey of love, their souls entwined,
From doubt to devotion, their hearts aligned.
Through life's twists and turns, their love did shine,
A love like wine, growing sweeter with time.

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