Winter Spring Summer And Fall [nature] Poem by alan brown

Winter Spring Summer And Fall [nature]

The day broke as the Sun rose high above the distant hills
giving birth to a new and refreshing land.
Deer ran within sight of the of the darkened wood
as pheasant frolicked in the greenness of the ripening hay.
A Fox cried out it Eire sound
as flocks of birds scavenged for seeds along the wooded Glen
Bringing colour to the grassy land.

Clouds rose Blackened in the stormy sky
as lightning flashed it's heavy hand
breaking arms upon an oaken bough.
Rain bleached the land flooding every brook and stream
scattering trout and Salmon and all the beasts within.
Leaves fell like dust upon the drunken land
covering all below with one sweep of its hand.

Snow fell like diamonds giving richness to the baron lanscape
Covering all but few in it's winery coat
to keep warm and close at hand.
Whiteness reached out it's grasp
as winter reached out into every glade
Making this the time of hidden thought.

The Sun rose high above the winter hills
giving birth to life
as spring came around once again
The Deer ran within sight of the darkened wood
as life was restored in a new year

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
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