With All The Pretty Trees Poem by Kelly Boutin

With All The Pretty Trees

Plant my heart somewhere warm
Plant my hopes and dreams
Pick up my leaves and leave my pieces
That have fallen underneath
I am changing with the seasons
With all the pretty trees

Place my wishes deep underground
Where I can hold them dearly
Pick off what doesn't fit and leave it be
Like the trees will do yearly
I am changing for my well-being
I am becoming pretty

See what I have lost behind
But do not stop to retrieve it
That was then but this is me
And I have grown free of it
Rings and rings upon the tree
Cease the endless spinning

I wear my scars so decadent
Like garlands upon my neck
I hear my story is being shared
To other broken people
I am healing and bringing change
Ending the vicious cycle

I am growing all new roots
This spring I will be healed
I am growing all new leaves
But only time will tell
I am embracing my own me
I'm becoming my own self

I will blossom when I am free
Like all the pretty trees

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