With No Olive Branches Attending Poem by Mark Heathcote

With No Olive Branches Attending

Let labour pains be your strength.
And let love be your light.
When you're standing alone
Climbing mountains
Or falling in an avalanche
With no olive branches attending.
Let your heart be a feathered nest, waiting.
Let your soul be a cloud. Never lonely in drifting
And when your day is finally over, count your blessings.
And light a candle beside your bed.
And watch its flames flicker and dance like a bird.
And hark how I loved you.
And hark how I loved
Gazing into your eyes every single night
Praying, Lord, don't take me tonight.
Lord, I don't need any olive branches tonight.
Not while my wings are in full flight.
And my quilt is laid across your bed.

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