World Unity And Cooperation Festival Message! Poem by Ramesh T A

World Unity And Cooperation Festival Message!

With rain and sun, soil grows crops to feed all
For survival on the Earth forever and ever sure!
Festival of harvest surely is most important of
All festivals in this respect we celebrate ever!

Without food nothing can function in the body to
Think, speak and do anything in the world ever..;
Farmers and cattle in this respect do a greatest
Service for all in the world to do all woks sure!

Industries, transportation of goods and urban
Expansion are all marks of development of nations;
Agriculture and industry should go side by side
Sans one surviving at the cost of other for good!

For the two sectors of human activities, exploitation
Of natural resources and pollution are the causes
For all problems leading the world to the brink of grave
Danger of destruction besides wars and terrorism sure!

Correction of this grave error needs to be given utmost
Priority by all nations of the world to save the one
And only living planet Earth for the well being of all
Species and humans by the cooperation of all nations...!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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