You Cannot Ban Me Ever! Poem by Aadil Hingorjo

You Cannot Ban Me Ever!

If I do not write, I cannot do anything
After all, what can a poet do!
He can but scream
Screaming with head and heart is in his hands
I cry through my fingers
Sometimes injured but I don't stop
I'm the eastern idea
Highlight the terrible things around me
You cannot counter me there
You then harass me differently
Yes, I follows my heart
Where my people's sighs are evident
You dictate me not to do so
You're afraid of my rhymes
You foresee the revolutionary fragrance
That's why you press me hard
You spy on me continuously
You ban me oftentimes
I haven't been against peace
But you allege me baselessly
You do not sit next to me
You do not talk to me
You're afraid of lively reality
Your ears are off to distances
You know your nakedness will come out
Your arguments will literally die
That's why you suppress me psychologically
You attempt to weaken me
But Everytime I grow stronger
With much firm scheme in my words
I resist, reject, and never conform to the night
With friends I am not safe
My family isn't aware about this all
They haven't read me perhaps
They don't know the poetic me
I have deliberately hidden this side from them
Still you play tricks
You don't let me breathe
But I breathe anyway
I breathe and live every way
Every walk whispers to me passionately
I'm passion; I'm song; I'm eternity
I manifest liberty; I stand for humanity
I'm inside a whole force
A hurricane... a storm... a rainstorm
I do dangerous things. I write, & write, & write
My people cannot be afraid all the time
My humans cannot be cornered forever
They are to wake up soon
They'll paint emancipation
They'll foster free atmosphere
Where only smiles will fly
They've paid a lot
They've suffered much
They're in process
They haven't been tired
They are to defeat fear
They're to rise again
The poet's faith is powerful
My belief in poetics is unflinching
My commitment to beauty is undying
My poems manifest my liberty
Even my pauses too symbolise resistance
If I cannot write, I cannot do anything
I create liberation with words
I'm the birth of intense voices
I'll die if I'm banned from words
After all, what else can a poet do than freeing! !

You Cannot Ban Me Ever!
Friday, July 26, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom of speech,mental illness,prison,rebel,resistance
Aadil Hingorjo

Aadil Hingorjo

Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan
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