You Grow Up To Learn And To Give Poem by Peter S. Quinn

You Grow Up To Learn And To Give

You grow up to learn and to give
With everything you inside live
The ways are many different there
And each to each teach you to share
So much of the young to be awaken
And never in any doubt mistaken
True tones are inside every heart
To each our from beginning start

And bring it to every way to fill
What life might dropp or fate spill
Now everything is up to you alone
If you should trip on a stepping stone
Rise to your joy from your sorrow
And bring good luck into tomorrow
The depth of good is always in line
To reach and learn and further define

Each time you have in hour’s dark
Will show you inside those embark
And hold you up to what you’ve seen
For travels of emotions are in-between
To redoes of contrast of stormy life
The way you accomplish each to strife
And nothing binds you more to fill
Then climbing up your own self hill


*Peter has practiced many skills and arts, including Bruce Lee’s jeet kune do, karate, judo, boxing, running, along with many other such skills... He’s also been active in the higher arts, like composing music (a composer) and playing musical instruments. Today, his most interests lies in music of the lighter kind, such as: light classical, music of the Beatles, musicals, jazz music, many kinds of pop and rock, and film music, etc. He consider his body to be a ‘temple’, as the old Japanese shoguns did and does therefore not ‘unholy’ or abuse it in any way. If you have ever read some his haikus, you probably can see how much he respects that art form (in Iceland, the traditional haiku always depends on the syllable counts of 5-7-5 …) . Peter is a true believer, and he accepts as true all shorts of compassions, one of his favorite saints is probably that of St Francis of Assisi', (- he enjoys sometimes to tell us the story about when he himself was a little kid and the wild birds came and ate from his hands, and so forth…: -) . Well, this is just little about the man we love and respect very much. Thank you all for your reading…

The Crew

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