Yudhishthira's Ashwamedham 05 Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Yudhishthira's Ashwamedham 05

Rating: 5.0

5) Yudhishthira's Rule

Krishna said to King Yudhishthira,
'I am deeply saddened that
The advices of elders and aacharyas
Have not dispelled your grief.

'By dwelling on the cause and
Effects of the war endlessly
You are, in effect, running away
From your duties as the King.

'It is time, my dear Jyeshtha,
That you started discharging them.
The people look up to you to perform
And make their life better.'

Krishna's words had their effect desired
In the first meeting of the ministers
It was decided that the soldiers shall
assist the people in agriculture works.

Most families had lost their male members
Who could work in the fields.
If agriculture was not earnestly undertaken
Food will be short and famine may result.

The decision had its desired result
All the arable land were sown
When the harvesting time came
Crops were abundant and more.

Peace and order prevailed
With an able righteous King on the throne,
Who cared for everyone and their needs
People were happy, the nation progressed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: epical
16. Jyeshtha: Elder brother 17. Ashwamedha Yajnam: The Ashwamedha Sacrifice.
Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 August 2021

A beautiful poem on Yudhishthira, the most noble and righteous of the Pandavas - the eldest and the most respected of the five brothers.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 August 2021

Peace and order prevailed With an able righteous King on the throne, Who cared for everyone and their needs People were happy, the nation progressed.

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Whatever you find in Mahabharata can be found in any scriptures or anywhere; and what you can't find in Mahabharata, you can't find elsewhere. So says the knowledgeable

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Mahabharata is called a treasure-trove full of such gems.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 04 December 2022

Excellent work! You are not only a talented poet but also a broad minded, knowledgeable person. I like your personality.

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Thank You, Dillipji. Through this series o have tried to recount a salient and important part of the Mahabharata story. Whatever rituals we perform are worth nothing, if we are not endowed with ultimate humanity and humility. This is its moral

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Unnikrishnan E S 03 December 2021

Thank you, Geeta for reading every part of this series and offering your feedback. Obliged. Now, may I invite you to read the sixth part posted today.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 August 2021

Thanks for this special poem on Yudhishthira. Top stars

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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