07 A Cloud In The Silver Lining Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

07 A Cloud In The Silver Lining

Rating: 5.0

When you see a silver lining in the sky
just look for the dark cloud
that it encircles, ready to break
into a thunderous shower.

Weeps itself into nothingness!

Cloud that dissolves into thin air
But would flaunt a happy smile
A rainbow of smiles
hidden behind a gust of tears.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: smile,rainbow,cloud
Inspired by poem 'Pain' by Nayanika Dey.
Nayanika Dey 24 June 2017

This is such an inspiring poem! This really gives positive energy to the mind and to the soul. Thank you so much for such a wonderful poem. I am glad that my poem 'Pain' inspired you to ink 'A Cloud In The Silver Lining'.

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C. Muralidara Kannan 17 March 2024

What a ray of hope after a showery sweep!

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Tiana Isaac 07 July 2023

Such a beautiful poem.

3 0 Reply

Thank you. It gives me pleasure to see that you enjoyed the poem

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Chinedu Dike 25 April 2023

Lovely poem with vivid imagery. A work of an intricate mind. Thanks for this masterful creation, my friend. Remain enriched.

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It gives me immense pleasure to receive such great comments from you, poet Mr Dike

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 22 March 2023

A beautiful poem adorned with superb imagery and stunning poetic expressions. The closure lines are very inspiring. Top marks!

2 0 Reply

I am happy to read your words of appreciation. Obliged.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 13 January 2023

A cloud in the silver lining surely deserves top marks and to my favourite

1 0 Reply

Thank you Geeta! For the good words, for the 5*s and for adding the poem to your favourite poem. I feel doubly honoured

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