Francis Duggan Pride Poems


Behind the facade of our big egos we constantly do hide
And pride of five letters is only that just pride
And some will even tell you pride comes before a fall
From life we have been learning from before we learned to crawl,

The Pride Of Canovee

He played for Cork in red and white and Millstreet in green and gold
And if he is with the living now he must be seventy years old
A champion Gaelic footballer when he was in his prime
And he was one who more than once inspired the bards to rhyme.

Your Pride In A Flag

Just a small part of this World of your Nation you brag
And you wave your patriotism in your National flag
If your team win the International game today
Your boss won't give you extra in your next week's pay.

The Pride Of Rathcoole Annmarie

A beautiful young woman with blue eyes and shoulder length wavy hair of brown
She lives between Banteer Village and Millstreet Town
The Pride of Rathcoole Annmarie
One who does sing so beautifully.

Pride Comes Before A Fall

The great one does not last a champion in his prime
He lost to a younger man with some help from father time
The years had left him slow time takes care of us all
He defended his pride but pride comes before a fall.

The Pride Of Yarpturk

Her sort the inspiration of the writers of song, story and rhyme
The pride of Yarpturk in her physical prime
One of the finest in the coastal Moyne Shire countryside
Where stories of her beauty have travelled far and wide

A Dangerous Sort Of Pride

Some people carry their love of their National flag too far
As it ignites the patriotism in them that leads to war
Of the color of their national flag the patriots do sing
But patriotism in the extreme can be a dangerous thing

Taking Pride Too Far

Without boasting it is nice to feel proud of who you are
Though feeling superior is taking pride too far
And though many may claim you are best at what you do
One day number one can drop to number two

The Pride Of Carrigadrohid

The Pride of Carrigadrohid where might she be today
Did she marry and raise children or stay single and in Carrigadrohid did she stay
Or did she leave the Leeside country for places far away?
I recall i last saw her on an evening in May

The Pride Of Southren Cross

For words to describe her i feel at a loss
Tall graceful and beautiful The Pride of Southern Cross
Of shoulder length wavy brown hair and immaculately dressed
Surely one of the finest in Victoria's South West

The Pride Of Kilcorney

From where she first looked on the bright lamp of day
The Pride of Kilcorney she lives far away
She lived in the house by the silver tongued rill
Babbling down from the high fields by Mushera Hill

The Ex Pride Of Dromtarriffe

She was the Pride of Dromtarriffe when in her physical prime
But this is going back many Seasons in time
An ageing grandmother her best days long gone
And only the memories with her linger on

It Cannot Be A Sense Of Pride

To us humans it cannot be a sense of pride
That many species of wildlife are facing extinction Worldwide
Due to climate change and destruction of their natural habitat many creatures on extinction brink
That children of the future may not see creatures living free sad of to think

No Cause For Pride

Though they may feel that they have the majority of people on their side
Governments who deny asylum to the stateless and dispossessed have no cause for pride
Refugee rights and human rights are one and the same
And to deny anyone of their human rights is a moral shame

The Pride Of Millstreet Town

I do recall the long gone years when I was naive and young
In the place where Finnow flowed to meet the Cails with ever babbling tongue
She was in her early twenties then with shoulder length hair of brown
And she surely was a beauty queen the Pride of Millstreet Town,

The Pride Of Dooneen

Her shoulder length dark hair was tossing in the breeze
The birds they were singing on the leafy trees
And bluebells were blooming on the ditch of the bohreen
When last i did see her the Pride of Dooneen

Pride Is

The words of the wise remain ours to recall
Pride is a thing that comes before a fall
A thing to the ego 'til death that is tied
This feeling that people refer to as pride

The Pride Of The Moyne Shire

Two hours down the highway in the City of Geelong
Lives a woman who has inspired admirers to poetry and song
But as the Pride of the Moyne shire she will always remain
And in Hawkesdale her likes will never be seen again.

The Pride Of Knocknagree

The beauty of her Village and none so fair as she
Way back in the mid fifties she was the pride of Knocknagree
One in her early twenties then and all but in her prime
She did not go unnoticed and she inspired the poets to rhyme.

The Once Pride Of Kirkstall

She is on the decline like a rose of the Fall
In her younger years she was pride of Kirkstall
With chestnut brown dye she cloaks her hair of gray
And with anti ageing creams smooth her time wrinkles away

The Pride Of Duhallow

Her wavy shoulder length hair as dark as the wing of a crow
The beautiful young woman from the place where The Araglen flow
In fields of Duhallow from here far away
On towards the Blackwater it flows with a babble by night and by day

The Former Pride Of Kanturk

Does she use hair dyes as many women do for to cover her gray
The former Pride of Kanturk where does she live today
Or does she rest in peace forever more
Far distant of Duhallow and Hibernia's shore?

The Pride Of Boherbue

In her younger years the Pride of Boherbue
She has lived in Australia since nineteen sixty three
Her hair silver gray it was once chestnut brown
She grows old in Victoria in old Colac Town

The Pride Of Sliabh Luachra

The Pride of Sliabh Luachra where is she today
She left Gneeveguilla for the U S of A
Did she fall in love marry and mother children from her old Village far away
Or as a single woman did she choose to stay?

The Pride Of Kanturk

The only one I love lives in Kanturk Town
With hair dark and wavy and eyes of nut brown
Less than thirty yards from where ceaseless waters flow
The murmuring waters of river Allow.

The Pride Of Kanturk From Home Is Far Away

The Pride of Kanturk from home is far away
She lives by the Yarra in Melbourne today
Happy in her life and feeling quite well
At the weekend she dances and socializes at the Normandy Hotel

For God, Flag And Country And National Pride

For god, flag and country and national pride
Too many by far in wars have fought and died
Governments have not learned the lessons of wars fought decades ago
They tell us who should be our friend and who should be our foe

The Pride Of The Allow

I have not seen her since nineteen sixty three
But memories of her great beauty today are with me
Her shoulder length dark hair and lovely eyes of brown
The most beautiful woman in old Kanturk Town

This Thing Known As Pride

It is a strange creature this thing known as pride
From birth until death to the ego it is tied
Proud of your children and proud of your wife
And so very proud of your successful life

Jose The Pride Of Winter Street

How can one describe dear Jose she's the pride of Winter Street
And she's honest and she's lovable and untainted by conceit
And foremost she's real lady kindhearted and sane of mind
And she truly is good advert to the race of Womankind.

A Dent To Your Pride

A truism from the past worthy of recall
The familiar old saying pride comes before a fall
And nothing more humbling to you than a dent to your pride
When your ego from shame it has nowhere for to hide

The Former Pride Of Hawkesdale

Back in the nineteen seventies this does seem long ago
She was the Pride of Hawkesdale before time became her foe
It is said she lives in Brisbane from Hawkesdale far away
A divorced grandmother with brown hair dye she cloaks her gray

Pride It Is Another Word

Pride it is another word for conceit
And every day proud people i happen for to meet
Proud of their children and proud of their wives
And so very proud of their marvelous lives

The Pride Of Woodford

Her wavy shoulder length hair is as dark as the wing of a crow
The Pride of Woodford where the dark Merri flow
As with scarcely a ripple it creeps on it's way
Near the end of it's long Journey at Lady Bay

The Former Pride Of Bushfield

She was the former Pride of Bushfield but this was a long time ago
She has lost the most of her beauty time becomes everyone's foe
A divorced grandmother in her mid sixties with dark hair dye she covers her gray
The beauty of the nineteen seventies is far from a beauty today

Pride Is A Thing That Comes Before A Fall

The words of a wise person i do recall
Pride is a thing that comes before a fall
Too proud to accept help when of helping in need
Pride it can be self defeatist indeed

Gerald Mccarthy's Pride

The man who believes he has right on his side
Gerald McCarthy who talks of red jersey pride
But since Cork's finest hurlers for him refuse to play
His sense of right does seem all wrong anyway.

The Pride Of Meningie

Her dad's Country Ireland she never may see
The shores of Hibernia on the Atlantic sea
The young woman of the Coorong of Indigenous Race
Brown skin, dark hair and brown eyes and a beautiful face

If Pride In Your Victory

You gave it your best but you did not win
But to try and to fail should never be a sin
And though it's not a good feeling to know of defeat
Do keep it in mind that the best can be beat.

The Former Pride Of Newmarket

From her first Hometown in Duhallow she is aging far away
The former Pride of Newmarket has known of a far better day
With light brown hair dye she does cover her gray
Pride comes before a fall as the wise one does say

Old Knocknagree's Pride

She was a rare beauty when young and carefree
The finest in her time in old Knocknagree
When i was a boy she was in her life's prime
And this is going back many decades in time

Pride Is A Thing That Is Linked To Conceit

It is something i learned as a boy in Millstreet
That pride is a thing that is linked to conceit
Most people in public do like to talk loud
Of the things in life that does make them feel proud

The Former Pride Of Macroom

Back in the mid sixties she was in her life's bloom
But where is she today the former Pride of Macroom
I know she left Macroom but did she return to there to stay
Or has she been ageing from there far away

The Pride Of Kilinadrish

The memory of her beauty remains undimmed by time
The pride of Kilinadrish I knew her in her prime
At local Coursing Meetings her's a familiar face
And often at the Cork track to watch her greyhounds race.

Pride Of Koroit

With blue eyes and shoulder length wavy hair of brown
The beautiful lady of old Koroit Town
Near the prime of her life single and carefree
On next April the fourth she will turn twenty three

Pride Is A Thing

The words of a wise person are ours to recall
Pride is a thing that comes before a fall
The proudest of people have known of wounded pride
And the mental hurt they did feel they struggled for to hide

Good Memories Live On Of The The Pride Of Millstreet

Her shoulder length hair it was wavy and brown
And her eyes blue as ripened sloes the Pride of Millstreet Town
In her early twenties near her physical prime
If living today she must be showing the wear of time

The Pride Of Murray Bridge

Of brown eyes and hair as dark as the wing of a crow
She is from Murray Bridge where the dark Murray flow
As it nears it's destination the Pacific shore
On it's deep and slow winding journey that will be forever more

For Too Much Self Pride

Your admirers have named you the man of the day
But with your success don't get carried away
For too much of self pride not good for one at all
Like some say it often comes before a fall.

The Pride Of Millstreet

With shoulder length wavy hair of hazel brown
She bloomed like a fair rose in the Duhallow town
And eyes of dark blue as blue as the ripened sloe
With the warmth of sunshine in her cheerful hello

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