Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Medicine Of Six Herbals [35 - 37, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

35."O, you maiden speaking melodious words! To the ascetics, guests, the poverty-stricken, the unseen people of the deserts, the unmatchable poor, the unprotected young ones, and the noble people, he who shares the food got by good means with them, will rule this world as a king in his next birth.

36.He who gives abundant food to the lame who can not walk, the sightlessblind, thespeechless dumb, thepersons abandoned by all, and the foolish people who have no knowledge of the books, will be liked by all the gods in heaven.

Medicine Of Six Herbals [38 - 40, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

Medicine Of Six Herbals [41 - 43, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

41.Not joining the group of low-born, not eating meat, not wooing by telling lies, not willing to burgle the things of others, and not being rigid with desire on wealth, if one gives the needs of the starving, one needs no instruction from the books preaching moral virtues.

42.Not killing other lives, not agreeing with others to kill, not joining the clan of murderers, not being engaged in eating meat, and keeping one's family better to give food to others, then one will reign over the world by fighting wars, riding on thedangerous elephant and subduing the other kings.

Stop Not Laughing Please!

I couldn't stop laughing
when I knew, the voters rotten
were bought like brinjals in a bye-poll!
When an actor breathedabout

Feeble Feel Of Love

My limbs alone are not dull.
My mind too falls often in lull.
My muse scuttles not in a dell
and makes my heart charmed in a spell.

Love Isn't A Phoenix

When the breeze was waking up my soul
I beat my wings up and flowered full.
When it changed into a devastating gale
my sensational heart blew itself out.

The Weeds Engulfing The Seeds

Don't say the government has no business
to do business with the farmers' produce.
You send satellites of other nations
from our country's launching pads for pelf.

Longing For Bartering Looks!

Even monks will be lured to sink in delight
If they see thy smiles, the magic-carriers,
Which cause my eyes lose the sharp rays of sight
but your looks rattle my eyelids, the barriers.

A Withered Weak Leaf

For what you loose on your ingratiating smiles,
for carnal pleasure or for entry in my heart?
I'm not clever to know, a woman's wiles
If grief comes, I'll show it in my face with art.

Disturb Not Her Online Class

I rang up my goddess to have a talk
of heart to heart to clear some lingering doubt.
Declining my call, she was in a busy walk
beside a bus as if in a boxing bout.

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