Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Unshareable Sorrow

My rose grins amiable at me
and says bye from her sparkling eyes.
My body feels a burst of speed
when I see an amusing gleam

An Unabashed Nubile

Abdicate the throne of my heart and get ‘way
With all your smiles, fake sulks and sudden glares.
Don't push the friends to engage in a love-fray
And bear the pangs of envy and rumour-wares.

Be A Harpist

I'm not skilled to paint the charm of your face
and catch you when you on the porch, flit.
Did you descend down from a heavenly race
to activate my sleeping wits a bit?

Outpourings For A Call-Woman

Your smiles aren't crafty but captive
of hearts temptable and lecherous.
When you offer smiles in plenty
from low to high, the bard to lord,

Gazalle, The Mineral Spring

The goddess isn't the perennial river
for all those here and there to dip and bathe.
When rogues and brutes come near, they must shiver
and go off you, Gazalle, in good faith.

The Corpses Keep No Social Distance

Come on my dear smiling heavenly star
and inspire this dull brain to shower songs!
Make my heart weep for the poor near and far
and shake the reigns which against them, do wrongs.

The Formidable Gazelle!

O my Gazelle! It's easier to capture
the Red Fort in Delhi, the Capital
or the Fort of St. George in Chennai
but harder to enter the fortress

Sweep Up The Gazing Eyes!

Sweep up the Gazing Eyes!
Show not me your jaunty smiles
and lull not me by thy soothing voice.
You're a brigand in the journeys of men

Forty Quatrains On Battlefield [6- 8]

6.Chozhan Chenganan had a beautiful chest decked with
jewels- laid stones and fleeting strong chariots. In the battlefield,
where he butchered his foes, the elephants slain were piled up high
in all the sides. It looked alike the huge cleaved mountains struck by

Forty Quatrains On Battlefield [9- 11]

9.Chozhan Chenganan, the king of a Kaveri-watering land killed
the foes in the warfront. The infantry soldiers were attacking
the cavalryand chopped off their legs. The slipper and the anklet from the severed legs, splashed on the field. And they appeared the starving Sharks leaped off in the lake.

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