Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Evil Friendship (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

811.Though evil men quaffing friendship show,
Their love had better wither away than grow.
812.It is no loss or gain of the friendship with the evil
Who stick to you when you are rich and desert in hitch.

A Betrothal Of Peace And Smile

Life With Wife

When you are off from your wife
you sink in mental strife.
Living single is jolly
for you can graze in the whole valley

Wonderful City In India

Chennai is always hot
and with rowdy gangs fraught.
Lots of wine shops are there
and so tempers flare.

Mere Smiles Don't Win

To win make hard work your lovely kin.
No joy you'll feel by mere gentle grin.
Your whole body gets wet
when you toil and shed sweat.

Firing Crackers During Diwali Fest

The Ganges Of The Mount Kailash

Sanitize the waters of the Ganges
which tumbles down the hills
of the Great Himalayas
to inundate the plains and wash away

Will The Owl Hoot A Requiem?

You've the desire to fasten your heart with mine
but you put it away as if with scorn
and set thy longing looks somewhere
and make me a listless reader in the morn.

The Rain Of Heavenly Moisture!

I thought that you'd say me a tearful farewell
but you hid your face till the last minute.
"You bid bye and leave", said the ringing-bell;
When I waved my hand, you moved not a bit.

Violence In Love

When heart to heart speak with each other
there's no chance for violence in love.
When the thoughts of caste in minds they smother,
the cause for wielding arms will they have how?

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