Rajnish Manga Poems

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We The People

This mark of indelible ink on my finger
Signals the vibrancy of our democracy
Heralds our faith in the country's freedom
In Republic of India and its Constitution

Robert Murray Smith


When we log into PH we look out for friends
Especially those who have carved new trends

We Are Witnessing A Very Curious Situation

We are witnessing a very curious situation
That is a queer, weird mysterious situation

We can't read the mind of those stalwarts

निर्भया का ख़त (Hindi)

निर्भया का ख़त
(देशवासियों के नाम एक खुला ख़त)

Quit Smoking

My father had to lose his voice,
Since he was left with no other choice.

He used to be a casual smoker,


It's the birthday of a wonderful person
Who has enriched our world in many ways
She is a scholar and a teacher
An avid reader and an author of books

Haiku (Desires)

Haiku (You Are With Me)

Shake Hands

दुश्मनी लाख सही, ख़त्म न कीजे रिश्ता
दिल मिले या न मिले हाथ मिलाए रहिए
(निदा फ़ाज़ली)

Boxing Day (December 26)

Boxing Day sounds strange. Isn't it?
It has nothing to do with boxing or fighting
It is a day of charity and gifting goodies
to the poor and the needy after December 25

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