Ramesh Kavdia

Ramesh Kavdia Poems

The connection begins with words.
As prayers, praise, poems.
Words connect the feelings.
Feeling connects the emotions.

Past are ghost they will not let you sleep.
Future are dreams they will not let you sleep.
Present is doing just now or never.
Time is running for ever and ever.

let us enter
in a new world
a world
of no boundaries

My body is full of pain.
My heart is blank and empty.
Still I am overfilled with love.
The flow comes from my soul.

I love my earth
She is unique, precious
feel her pain
she reacts as

rules the power
rules the politicians
rules the dictators

One Dimension
-words, sound, light, waves.

Two Dimension

C'andle lights up
C'akes are made
C'olorful Gifts given
C'horus of prayers everywhere


the tiny boat
in endless oceans

If you want to meet God
Read this title carefully.
Every answer is hidden in the question.
It is so simple.

Jesus was crucified
for sake of humanity.
He suffered pain to make you happy.
Jesus was born


My dear and near
who lost almost
some are close some are far

The sky was covered with swans and birds
moving towards there endless infinite journey
there image reflecting with new waves
my small boat was moving with the winds

Drugs or alcohols
are two shores of a river
a river of thoughts
some gives depression

Life is knife
in doctor's hand

or a drop of water

Black hole explodes
Galaxies are formed
Galaxies expands
Stars are formed


I feel you in my winds
I feel you in my breath
when I see the rainbow
I see your image

in this ocean
i am a small fish
alas someone eat me
this is my wish

हे प्रभु
मैं पानी की एक बूंद
तू विराट सागर
हर पल तुझमे रहूँ

Ramesh Kavdia Biography

I was nothing, I am nothing, and I will be nothing, Just some cosmic light and energy flow from me which I express to you all in form of words, .)

The Best Poem Of Ramesh Kavdia


The connection begins with words.
As prayers, praise, poems.
Words connect the feelings.
Feeling connects the emotions.
Emotions connect the heart.
Heart connects the heart.
By waves and energy
By love and frequency
Then we fly higher
Or we drown deeper
We see the soul.
We see the soul full of
Joy, truth and love all together
We move towards Eternity.
We move towards Divine.
We move towards Bliss.
And we meet God.
Then we see God in every heart.
Then we see love in every heart.
We connect with all universe.

Ramesh Kavdia Comments

Ramesh Kavdia Quotes

Lust is like skin of onion finally you find nothing.

Lust is like the skin of fruit while love is the real juice.

Human being can destroy any speices but cannot produce any speices.

Defining infinite and god always lead to illusion, still both infinite and god exists.

The real life is the journey after death not after birth.

Money collection is the highest addiction of this world and also money is the most unfaithful. It can leave you suddenly.

God was one, god is one, god will be one always like mother is always one. It is the mind viewing with different angles create differences.

Politicians have only black color in their drawings which is color of fear and lies.

The language of God is silence, Thehouse of God is invisible and the message of God is love.

Terrorism is created by weapon dealers and drug mafias who's marketing agents are corrupt politicians.

People worship enlightened saints but they never follow their words. So they fight each other for their ego.

To bring freedom in life one has to learn to face his emotions with awareness.

When mind starts ruling us we are suffering with various addictions but when we start watching mind we find that mind is disappearing.

If you want to do something good Don't think of tomorrow Do it today If you want to do today Do it now This is your moment If you want to do something bad Do it tomorrow And trust me Tomorrow never comes.

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