Ramesh T A Poems

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Let Truth Shine With The Brilliance Of Sun!

It is only critics who bring out the hidden important ideas
And eluding truths in the works of great artists undecipherable
Till the master pieces are left out for dust to settle on them
Somewhere in unknown place hard to find even by archaeologists!

A Dream Of Love In Sleep!

Somewhere my love is living in the world;
Going there and living there is beyond scope;
We can only meet on Facebook and chat often;
Other intimate acts we can only see in dreams!

The Effect Of Love Is Unique!

Cool beauty of face certainly brings love nearer to one;
One of the important aspect of life makes love possible;
Possible acquaintance starts there with a smile fresh..;
Fresh, yes, as a flower is with the scent of love enticing!

Peace Only Can Give Satisfaction In Life!

Life full of engagements without relief is prison life;
Life is knowledge, existence, pleasure and absolute sure;
Sure engagement with one only can make one mad in the world;
World has to be explored like ocean or sea and sky first!

Success Of Democracy!

Stage by stage election is conducted all over the nation;
Nation will see who is going to lead it after one month;
Month will go fast before the result is out for the public;
Public is in suspense and thinks of so many things or doubts!

Extraordinary Dames Of Beauty And Courage!

Flowers, butterflies, birds, mermaids and girls are beautiful
And lovely beings of world born for love and joy with all...;
True to their tenderness and beauty, they are kind and sweet
In voicekindling love to anyone to live peaceful life ever!

World Is The Laboratory!

Dead dear ones after death won't disappear forever;
Forever they will be in the permanent place only...
Only after death, we will meet them there later sure!

Each One's Life Is In Each One's Hand!

World needs to be protected from pollution and terrorism
Looming large everywhere making people panicky in mood;
Mood of hope and joy in everyone's mind is out of place
Hoping for peace and love from encouraging sort of people!

The View Of Misty Eyes!

Misty eyes see everything everywhere in smoke...;
For the misty eyes, everything looks to be vague;
Real world and all happenings look as dream world;
Unless the eyes are clear and clean, all are vague!

Follow Path Of Your Own!

A lady waits always
To know about his ideas
To weave a story!

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