Ramona Thompson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nuclear Night

A dark rewrite of Silent Night.

From my forthcoming cd-A Terrorist Christmas.

Bad Education

Rewrite of Bon Jovi's Bad Medicine

No, there they ain't got a fever
Got what seems to be a permanent disease

Sarah Palin V 2

Some kind of great history could be about to be made here
A woman may finally rise to the level of power that our sex has deserved for way too long now
Remember ladies that a vote for the other party is a betrayal and a vote aginest your own gender
A chance to grab the brass ring is now before us

Ramona Thompson

R is for the really really revolting person we have tricked them all into believing that she is
A is for the amazing dumbness these people have displayed
M is for the masterpiece of genius our bizzare creation has become
O is for the outragous behavior she has allowed us to flaunt in the faces of the public's dismay

Is Anyone A Virgin Anymore?

Rewrite of Meatloaf's Is Nothing Sacred Anymore

Does anyone else carry a resolve as strong as ours?
To prove we're cool

Come Do It To Me

Erotic rewrite of David Cook's Come Back To Me

Inside your dreams
I touch myself


So sorry to have to tell you my darling
About my passions raging out of control
During these days of our lifes
There have been I am sad to report

The Days Of My Love Life

Single and looking for the perfect man to be the father of all my children
Once young and restless
Now all I seek is to find my guiding light
So that I can grow old and happy with my soulmate

Slime-A Miley Cyrus Rewrite

Rewrite of Miley Cyrus' song, The Climb

I'm so sick of hearing about it
That wet dream you've been dreamin'

Calling Out The Nfl!

Calling out the NFL over this whole National Anthem mess, I wrote these!

Anyone who would like to post these on your web sites, facebooks or youtube videos please let me know!

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