Rasma Haidri

Rasma Haidri Poems

To write a small note

each day of his first-born's life

Everything my mother needs can be found at Woodman's:
cigarettes, milk, unsalted rice cakes, and six black bottles
of diet cola. I want to buy a lottery ticket she adds,
weaving stiff-kneed, half-blind, to the far corner,

My daughter is in his lap like flowers,
like the bouquet delivered to the door
three days later. But that is not the miracle.
The miracle is my mother appearing uninvited,

There is girl clutter on the floor:
hairbrushes, ribbons, plastic glitter
and socks.



Remember, we're all bears! my daughter says.

From the window we watched the skunk mother

Waddle legless through our lawn.

In the dolphin waters

waves pull

Today the water is still.This is what they call mirror-water, glass-water, quiet-face-of-the-sky-water.If you could have waited ten years my son, my daring boy, the water off the break wall would have been this water:calm, cradle-safe for even a baby, my baby, you, my rumble tumble boy.

But no, today you would have been twenty-eight, too old, too safe, too cautious to be my boy, my lost youth boy, my just man, just barely grown boy, my climbing see me jump Ma! see how high I am boy.

- for Jason

How does a mother get ready for bed
the night her son hangs himself?

Driving over a hill
we saw a blackbird
circling wildly

in the high-rise windows
Christmas lights

We are deep mystery.
We are known to no one.

We contain a multitude

Once a year, for seven years, I watched
terrified by the tornado and snatching trees,
baffled by Dorothy walking all that way
without eating, and not once needing

In my dream the neighbor girl and her father
are night prowling through our yard
looking for Barbie's bathrobe.


My child buried a butterfly
in our driveway, one wing
disembodied and perfect,
it lay like a Chinese fan

It is early morning when my daughter
stumbles down the hall making noises
that could be words, or birdsong,
or leftover memory of angel tongue.

Rasma Haidri Biography

American author. For more about Rasma visit www.rasma.org.)

The Best Poem Of Rasma Haidri

Letter To A Young Child

To write a small note

each day of his first-born's life

did not seem too big a task.

My father's small squared printing

filled the three-cent postcards.

They are yellowed now.

The blue ballpoint lines

flattened under age-brittle

strips of cellophane tape.

Later, I watched his hands writing.

It may have been an address,

a list of errands, a letter home

the musical Arabic curving backwards

like a path to retrieve dreams. I loved

his nails shining like quarter moons

under clear lacquer polish, his long fingers

moving the pen delicately, as with reverence

for a living thing.

In old college notebooks

where his dissertation notes left off, I wrote.

A city newspaper, spy plans, interviews on Viet Nam,

my first French words: Bonjour, Je suis, J'habite

a day by day record of my life

in stories, poems, letters to no one

or to the world.

Thus the art is handed down

in pens, the love of paper,

the evening hush in a house

where nothing is said

but by the one writing

to the one who has yet to receive.

When you were two,

I bought a large sketchbook

and began to write.

The small pack of my father's postcards

teaches me to promise nothing.

Only to write, and to imagine him

standing in white shirtsleeves

his script as measured as the pulse

beating in his temples

in the late night house

when he had only us

and all the time in the world.

(first published in Passages North, Northern Michigan University Press,1998)

Rasma Haidri Comments

Rasma Haidri Quotes

Ammaji says, write for the necessity of joy, and the joy of necessity. Focus on process and you will produce. Focus on product and you thwart yourself again and again.

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