Richard (Narad) Eggenberger

Richard (Narad) Eggenberger Poems

A New Life Begin

I have lost my fascination with the stars.
They yield no light upon the taxing way


We saw vast fields of time's immortal flowers
Ablaze beneath the pale Alaskan sun

Rain Prayer

I petitioned you for a deluge, did not pray
For the briefest shower or some paltry drops

The Nearing Goal

The dull skies dripping in the morning rain
Cannot obscure the beauty of the trees,

Changing Seasons

Feel the seasons in the blood of trees,
Ever changing, rest in the waning year,

Bluebird II

I listen to his mating call
Aware he is no bird at all,

Inviolable Rose

When I allow myself to dream awake,
If I allow myself to dream at all

The Mystical Rose

I never knew the rose.
She waited, silent and fair,

And I Will Offer Flowers

And I will offer flowers from the garden of my soul,
Blooms of fragrant tenderness, thy radiance to extol,

My God II

Homage to Sri Aurobindo

Perhaps my thought was a deeper seeing
When the mind fell still and the inner being

I Wandered Through Eternity

I wandered through eternity
Seeking the One my soul had lost,

Man In the Balance

Strawberries in the fields
Blueberries in the swamp,

I Was Made

I was made to leap
Over the vault of stars,

She Who Came

Silently she came, the silence spoke all
As she held me closely in the room that night.

Question and Answer

The Question no longer exists for me
But the answer still eludes

On the Death of a Friend

The late chrysanthemums that speak of life
Are budding now as I prepare to leave.

O Luminous One

O luminous One I bow before Thy feet
And all my yearning soul to Thee consign,

He Who Abides Within

When the robe of night is cast aside
And heaven's symbols merge in light

One Whom I Love

Who drew that orange streak across the sky,
Suffused with tints of pewter touched with teal,

Richard (Narad) Eggenberger Biography

Richard Eggenberger (Narad) is a highly regarded poet and author of more than 50 volumes covering a wide range of subjects, horticulture, landscape design, tropical plant specialist, more than 16 books on poetry, spirituality and more. He was an opera singer in New York City, a tropical plant specialist and his Handbook on Plumeria Culture is a classic. He received his spiritual name, Narad, 'The Heavenly Singer' from the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India. He writes, 'Even as a child around the age of two or three I was in love with the earth and recall the delight I felt when I touched her heart. Innocent and gleeful I inhaled the richness of the grass, the pure air and the sonorities of the singing brooks. One might ask how it is possible that a young child could remember such things but I would answer, 'Was this my first visit to earth? ' I have presentiments of births in ages past and lives in foreign lands no less real than today in India and the United States'. Narad now lives in Auroville, India and is building the Gardens of the Matrimandir around that great structure where it is possible to find one's soul.)

The Best Poem Of Richard (Narad) Eggenberger

A New Life Begin

A New Life Begin

I have lost my fascination with the stars.
They yield no light upon the taxing way
And what romance is left within the moon
When trampled by man's heavy feet of clay?
But breaks another wild and sun-touched morn
With sparkling dew and creatures winged and free
And with the veils of all illusions torn
I am filled with hope and newfound energy.
The flowers in their wise simplicity
Follow their progenitor, the sun
And we who seek a greater wisdom's truth
Must find within our dwelling place, the One
We carry in ourselves, the fount of hope,
The light that burns so brilliantly within
Guiding us upon the rocky slope
To find our truth and a new life begin.

Richard (Narad) Eggenberger Comments

Richard (Narad) Eggenberger Quotes

I will never judge another person until I can see their soul And when I see their soul there will be no need to judge.

Faith is but the hidden knowledge of the soul.

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