Rishi Menon

Rishi Menon Poems

nature is full of colors
with beautiful scented flowers
if your'e in a forest or a park
its nice even in the dark

I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I must apologize for I'm wrong
I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry Mom
I need a chance to be strong

What is it that makes me cry
When I'm happy as can be
What is it that makes me want to die
When there's a life ahead of me


I am not a Christian
I am no Muslim
I am not a Jew
Nor am I Buddhist

Unrealized Dreams

I wandered alone in the desert in vain
Oblivious of the thundering gale

Mr. Potato is a fat man
Who juggled his belly as he ran
He once tried to clean a fan
saying to himself 'I can, I can'.

Susan was a pretty girl
She dreamed she had a big pearl
She dreamed she made a tasty pie
and that she ate chicken fry

I look at the sky and look to the sea
Deep blue they seem to me
I look at the forest and the lagoon
They are green as can be

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
A whole year has gone by
With a blink of an eye

My beautiful flowering trees

One day I shall buy some land
Plant countless seeds

Exam Phobia

Exams are a pain in the head
All this studying could knock us dead

In a place not too far from here
there was an old abandoned house
it was big and majestic to view
free from insects and louse

The minutes seemed like hours
Enhanced by his anxiety
Crushing knuckles to the bone
He waited for his first born

The star of Bethlehem

T'was in Bethlehem that Jesus was born
Raised in Jerusalem a million hearts he won

the soul contains many qualities
The character of man and his vagaries
But the most important quality of man
is the power to forgive a sin

I duck down and hide in fear
Whenever I see them come near
Their faces masked, their bodies cloaked
Drenched in blood, their shirts were soaked

Tribute to a Lasting Memory

You've asked me to write for you,
Try as I might, I cannot without first reflecting…

In days of yore it was land,
Spices, gold and contraband
Today its oil
That leads the world in turmoil

Practiced law in Africa did he
So many places he did see
Such a knowledgeable man
Debate with him no one can

long ago, in the ancient times
much before king Solomon's mines,
was a kingdom called myrilljhot
it was a beautiful place on a large plot

Rishi Menon Biography

I started writing about 2 years ago when I read a few of my Dad's poems. Dad says he is proud of my very first poem, Nature. That sort of encouraged me and since then, I have written about 10 poems. I only write when I feel like it, if you know what I mean. I'm in the 9th standard now and am preparing to be a Doctor. I am now in the 11th. I am no longer on course to be a Doctor. I have taken up Commerce and it is the first turning point to what will be my future career. I have also developed a great taste for drawing characters, writing stories and composing poetry. Art is in my blood. I have decided to take the two forward.)

The Best Poem Of Rishi Menon


nature is full of colors
with beautiful scented flowers
if your'e in a forest or a park
its nice even in the dark

nature is full of beasts and birds
with so many shrubs and ferns
its mountains are very high
they almost touch the sky

nature has its deserts
and nature has its plains
at times its sunny
sometimes it rains

nature is so pretty and bountiful
with snow covered peaks and sounds so beautiful
when people destroy nature, remember
we need nature for our future.

Rishi Menon,11 years.

Rishi Menon Comments

Mahesh Malani 17 November 2011

Dear Rishi. I copy pasted your Nature Poem on my facebook page. And I gave credits to you too, its amazing, at 11years, you can so creative. I wish you all the very best.

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Mahesh Malani 17 November 2011

Dear Rishi. I copy pasted your Nature Poem on my facebook page. And I gave credits to you too, its amazing, at 11years, you can so creative. I wish you all the very best.

3 1 Reply

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