Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Man’s Half Is Woman

I am a man in whom woman is a part;
Some of the vices that men indulge in
Are woman’s part; be it lying, it’s hers,
Deceiving, hers, fanciful desires, hers

The Virtuousness

I doubt not the virtues of your mistress
But doubt your undue faith in her virtues.
Your confidence, not her reputation
Makes her virtuous, regardless of truth.

Another Face

I greet you with a smile. You acknowledge.
I congratulate on all your success.
You share with me all your happiness.
I show compassion and give condolence.

Beauties’ Delights

Honour leaves where beauty rules;
Love shakes when new man enters;
Vows of women made to men leaks.
To ride men is beauties’ delights.

Sex Is Shameless.

Who is convenient to think of
The woman he fell in love with
Could have been the object of love
To some ones with the same spirit?

The Merit Of The Service

Service is not service
Unless it’s approved of
By the one it is done to.
Be not lavish with that.


Slander has a sharper edge than a sword,
More venomous than venom in action,
More severe than cyclones in damage,
And penetrates through the impenetrable.

Gossips' Effects

Gossips are an outlet for one’s hatred.
Gossipers are cowards; all are gossipers.
The speaker and the listener enjoy it
The victim is hit with out his knowledge.

Bolted In And Bolted Out

To be humble is not to be slave
Though outwardly they may look same.
To be in the cell with doors bolted in
Is not being in it with doors bolted out.

Justice And Crime

It is sport when a man killed a tiger
But a ferocity when it had killed him.
It is just when a man cut a goat
But a crime when he shot a dear.

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