Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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To Die Alone

A shepherd tends his sheep
Till they are useful to him.
People tend me for them.
Helpless, I’ll die alone.

Shame Measures Culture

Living in clusters begot societies,
Which bred cultures which in turn bred ethics.
Defiance is shame, which rules one’s conduct.
The stronger the shame, the richer the culture.


Oedipus was king of Thebis;
Jacarta was wife of Oedipus.

Oedipus was sincere in his duty.

Don’t Incist On Pardon


If someone hurts you and intends to mend,
Accept him with grace, his pardon unasked,

The Pure Love

It is not important
That I love a woman
But it is important
If she accepts my love.

Dear, It Didn’t Deter Me

I was in love with you
More than you were with me.
It was the privilege
With which I was honoured.

Relief Is A Joy

To regret is a kind of joy.
To repent is a kind of joy.
To render yourself pitiable
And to lament the loss of yours

The Concept Of The Death

What is death? Why is it? Who causes it?
Living things are animated objects.
The dead are so when unanimated.
Cessation of animation is death.

The Conept Of The Birth

What is birth? Why is it? Who causes it?
The birth is the fusion of matter and force
That came into being by accident
And since then evolves like planets revolve.

The Vital Essence

I stare at the placid Moon,
Who by no way is my own,
And love her womanly face,
By which she isn’t in disgrace.

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