Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poetry For Children: Afternoon ©

Lingering lights of a lazy noon,
creep into my garden nook,
Green and golden rays on me,
trace patterns on my book.

Rainydaze ©

I love to watch the rain, fall in big fat shiny drops,
I love to know its helping grow, every farmer's crops;

I love to hear it thunder, and roar loudly as it pours,

Mothers Teach Your Sons ©

Mothers of the earth awake!
Open wide your eyes;
Let your hearts be open,
to every daughters' cries.

Hide N' Seek ©

Breathless, coy anticipation,
I close my eyes and wait;
Heart pounding madly,
Surrendering to my fate.

Seeing With Your Senses ©

A stranger stood beside me,
on an early morning walk;
We smiled like polite strangers do,
and soon began to talk.


My friend the florist called to me,
to see her blossoms in full bloom;
My senses reeled inceasingly,
by the exquisite rich perfume.

Would You Paint A Picture? ©

Would you care to paint a picture?
with palette full of words?
A heartfelt, poignant mixture,
that flies off the page like birds?

India: Land Divine ©

A land of beauty, land divine,
All the world's beloved shrine;
Wisdom from beyond the ages,
Ruled by Kings and holy sages.

Changing Weather, Changing Life ©

It rained and drenched the waiting night,
Heavy torrents did it pour;
Next morning, all was clean and bright,
I could not ask for more.

Have You Seen A Goblin? ©

There's typo goblin up to tricks,
Hidden words it sneaks and picks;
It lurks within a sweet sonnet,
and gobbles up an alphabet.

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