Robin Bennett

Robin Bennett Poems

How I remember the waiting room,
at my Daddy's oncologist's office-
If being eaten alive by cancer isn't enough-
The waiting room is full of old boring, dated

It takes a certain type of person
to write poetry. Over achieving,
brave people dare not put pen
to paper and expose themselves.

I'm the kind of girl that
buys her bath bubbles
from France
gets her lingerie

An earthly man cloaked in devil's red,
Advocate for misery soaked lives.
Bringing only evil plans with him to bed,
Enjoying when love's heart wilts and dies.

When I remember you
I think of us drunk-
sipping from pineapples
and paper umbrellas

Baby, hold me tight and-
away from the grips of sheer insanity,
I don't do love at first sight,
Something I consider a myth,

I wondered why your
decoder ring and
magnifying glass
were missing.

Standing together all tippy toed,
In a grey goose soaked way, my-
birthstone hued gown slit,
all the way up to there.

Mom why did you run from me,
Escaping to Heaven,
no less; I found you cold,
frozen, and so very dead.

It was the Paris feeling of it all
assaulting my senses
as I slumbered and dreamed
on imagined European time

When I turn to blow out the sun
facing west and staring at a
tomorrow born in Asia.
I've yet to find out what tonight

Generations of patriots of Americans-
Have sacrificed their lives in the sake of freedom;
For the country they love and beliefs held dear,
Manicured laws mark the crisp white headstones.

You never came
home last night.
I visited your
favorite haunts.

I never hold back when
it comes to
You get the unedited

I've always wondered what made some
women poets stick their head in
their ovens-
Or dress in fur and gems and

It was Monday,3: 00 a.m.
the ugliest hour of
any week.
It had half rained

fine wine
ripe grapes on vines
colors of royalty
drifting in lyrics of a Hendrix phase

I fading fast on hope these days-
but I still recall our glory days
Hopping in the backseat for
some high school lovin'

It was the Paris feeling of it all
assaulting my senses
as I slumbered and dreamed
on imagined European time

Tonight's full moon caught me
totally off guard. Usually I smell
superstition a mile away. I grasp my
strange luck and hunker down

Robin Bennett Biography

I'm born and raised in New Orleans, La. I have had a passion for poetry for as long as i can remember. I still have my first piece I penned, it was a narrative to my family, I was six at the time. I've been writing ever since. I'd love to finally see my name in print one day. Not attached to a ' wanted in connection' with behind it. Married with a son and a daughter. Neither shares my love of writing. Dead dream there! Oh well.)

The Best Poem Of Robin Bennett


How I remember the waiting room,
at my Daddy's oncologist's office-
If being eaten alive by cancer isn't enough-
The waiting room is full of old boring, dated
magazines in stages of disarray.
It smells like chemicals and fear,
and it looks deadly real.

Ugly pictures of a fisherman caught
in a raging nor' easter. Truly not a
well thought out metaphor, if I do
say so myself. The anti-cancer drugs
make the pale and weak thirsty,
not a water cooler in sight.

Daddy, how can you trust this
man with your life?
He's a supreme failure in keeping
his waiting room off life support.
You could easily give up
and die in this office.

It sucks the dim light from
your cancer ridden
bones, while you read
about Brad and Jen's
divorce from what
is now your past life.
The one before cancer.

Robin Bennett Comments

Hi! Robin, hope u to be well. U probably forgot me. Try reading some of my new poems and comment. Thank u

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