R S Poems

When an angel returns to heaven
With despair we question why
For she goes back to where she belongs
Twas a blessing to have her with us

In the early hours of the day
When mind is pure
Ego asleep
Soul intact to the heart

The path I choose needs time
Patience and determination
Difficult to take and painful to endure
Discouragement and hopelessness along the way

A fable of a fain fat fairy with fair feak in fine foulard follows the fad for fandango.

Her flair for fabulous fashionable finds, enhances her feminine flame that flares ferociously.

When death snatches away a loved one
Separation becomes heart throbbingly painful
Alas leaving memories of the last encounters, the regrets..

What I had for you was admiration
What I gave you was respect
What I made you was my mentor
What I felt for you were the best of feelings

I hate this woman!
She puts me in such situation
That I'm taken advantage of
Used and abused, thereof

There were times when stories were told
Wide eyed..open mouths
We listened earnestly
Believed totally.

I'm not good with words
Nor am I with the language
But I dare write poems
Just to express emotions

Being two birds from different nests
Entwined and entangled, became the dearest

A strange affair that grew with enigma

I wondered and wondered what interests you
I wondered and wondered what amuses you
I wondered what dreams and fantasies you have
I wondered what hopes and desires you crave

Its been fourteen years now,3rd May..
Such a special day to remember
One of the most exciting days in my life
The best thing happened in a long time


A curse in disguise of a blessing
The cause of slavery 
The cause of tension
The cause of passion

Destiny is the reason we meet
The purpose is unknown
But the marks it leaves lasts long

From ignorance to caring
From anger to humbleness
From selfishness to generosity
From accusations to appreciation

We are living in a life of lies
Realizing only when time flies
Meeting standards set by few
Only true pleasure seekers knew

Tis not the love that I know of
Tis the good feelings that brings warmth to the heart
With good memories and fantasies
An obsession in someone for a particular space of time

An unpredictable encounter with faulty first impressions
Lacking the natural winning charms
Turned into a lifelong commitment
Destined to be friends forever

When turning fifty becomes a dream
When growing old becomes a wish

When there is no chance for goodbyes
When regrets and last encounters are sighs

Somewhere beyond your reach
A diva to fill every heart and soul
The grass is always greener on the other side
With you, a slog dreaming to touch the moon.

R S Biography

The great discovery of releasing emotions through poems have been a true blessing. Thanks to a wonderful friend who showed me the way! I'm not good with words Nor am I with the language But I dare write poems Only to impress another Landing as a poetess Neither knowing the idioms, nor the phrases How to correctly punctuate, or to rhyme I write from my feelings  I write from imaginations Some even from the dull reality. I'll write as long as the words feed As long as someone cares to read Your comments are my only need.)

The Best Poem Of R S

Angel's Touch

When an angel returns to heaven
With despair we question why
For she goes back to where she belongs
Twas a blessing to have her with us
Although her presence was a mere touch
Her scent lingers on long after she's gone

R S Comments

Dominic Hunt 21 July 2012

I like the poem love but you left out the reason for living

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