Sanjukta Nag Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Tanka - Shipwreck

Broken pieces of
Cold emotions are sinking
In deep salty sea
Of my measureless blue tears,

Wonder Of Love

Sitting by the mortal window of
A moving train called life,
One by one I dropped some seeds of emotions
Into invisible holes of wind

Communication Gap

Your heart speaks in a dead language,
My eyes try to understand it
With an opaque magnifying glass.
As if we're falling from a bottomless hill

Water Of Life

Let's break ourselves in each other's arms,
Like water breaks into water over and over
From one drop to several droplets
Then dust of water forms a new wave.

Blood Glows Red

Vermilion hue of your violent love,
Threatens me for confronting it
With grey shades of bare eyes.
Like someone has set fire on Mars,


Chorus of morning leaves
Paint trees deeper in happy green.
Sunrays ricochet
From your eyes to my lips.

It's Time To Dream

Think about the pure white clouds
Of your beating heart,
Carefully kept inside a crystal box
That only unlocks by the whisper of

Five Senses Of Love

When eyes speak the language of love
Only eyes can hear sweetness it spread.
Thus, closeness reverberates
Between the compassion of two souls.

Haiku - Gloves Of Death

Here He Comes

Gradually the slanted rays of spring
Seep in through pale veins of frost,
And let it melt in silence
On the forgotten green chest of woods,

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