Like a wave of the sea
Is a man without faith;
He doubts the might of God,
He doesn't firmly wait.
Happy birthday, dear Rubyjean,
A white cloud conveys sea is calm;
A dark skyway intends to mean
That the rain in torrent will come.
Sail the sea by ship,
And start to venture;
Hoping for fortune
And greener pasture.
C-alm ocean is viewed,
H-aving no movement or wave,
E-verything is fine.
always provides
human's daily foodstuffs,
corpses also remain buried
The ocean just sends
the message in a bottle,
as waves deliver.
C-ross the deepest sea
H-owever far or wide;
O-bliterate your fear,
Y-our doubt and fret subside.
Happy birthday, Sister Jinky,
The salt water covers the earth;
Millions of plants live in the sea
Where countless animals give birth.
L-ife is like a sea,
Y-ou can sense the silence;
N-ever can you hear the sound, because of the gentle winds.
Z-enith above has opened
Y-our Wednesday brand new start;
R-ising sun March fifteenth
A-ims to warm your
M-onday March thirteenth
A-ims to brighten the view;
R-ise of the sun begins,
L-etting the night depart from
N-ew dawn March thirteenth
A-ims to brighten the view;
N-ight shadows disappear,
C-hill departs from
J-ust let the sea stay silent,
A-s the dawn meets the day;
N-o rugged wind howling,
E-ven the storm is far away.
G-ray cloud above Tuesday
I-s just becoming white;
L-et the morning beacon
B-egin to set things aright.
A-s the cool wind in the sea
M-akes you feel so fine;
I-t's time to view the weather
H-aving a very good sign.
G-aze at the blue sea,
I-t's not actually sad;
N-ice nature is a welcome sight,
A-s it never makes you feel bad.
J-ust see the wide blue sea,
E-arly January twenty-fourth;
A-bove the horizon is the sun,
N-ew dawn is cool at the port.
L-et twenty-seventh February warm
Y-our soul and your heart;
N-o more storm in the ocean, as the raindrops depart.
M-orn twenty-eighth February
A-ims to warm the day;
I-t's a beautiful Tuesday,
L-et the night fade away.
R-ising sun twenty-sixth February
O-pens the day with light;
D-awn early Sunday morning
I-s setting things aright.
K-iss the chill goodbye,
A-s you welcome the sunlight;
R-ise of the beacon begins,
E-arly morn leaves the
J-ust let the night fade
I-nto the gray and blue;
N-ew dawn has broken,
K-eeping the dark away from
W-hite cloud thirteenth February
H-as left the night alone;
E-vening shadows disappear,
N-ew dawn comes to the
A-fter the dark is gone,
L-ight appears on Monday;
F-og, haze, and mist
A-re all fading away.
J-ust let Friday fog fade,
E-arly eleventh February;
S-aturday sky seems bright,
S-un brings glorious glee.
E-arly thirtieth January
R-eminds me of your birthday;
I-t's a lovely Monday morn,
K-iss the storm
A-llow the beacon to come,
R-ain is nowhere in sight;
N-ew dawn has broken,
E-ndorsing a bright
L-et the seventh day
O-f January show the light;
R-ise of the sun begins,
E-arly morn leaves the
R-ise of the beacon begins,
H-aving the Thursday light;
E-arly nineteenth January
A-ims to leave the night.
E-arly seventh January,
S-aturday shares a fine weather;
P-ouring rain disappears,
I-t's a lovely morn
J-ust over the deepest sea
A-nother victory will stand;
N-ever ever losing hope
I-n taking the prize at hand.