Shar Thompson

Shar Thompson Poems

Where, oh where, does misery end,
who determines your share,
my cup runneth over,
my worlds in constant fear,

When you listen through your soul,
the effects that proceed transcends.
Word embodies life in your subconscious.
Your eyes, ear, touch, smell, taste


Isn't it a beautiful day :)
the wind passing through the leaves as the branches starts to sway


My love...
If you were to see me across a dim-lit room

Hello my aspiration
in your arms my hopes abides
you have crept into my conscious mind
and set myself beside

In a year filled with challenges, trials, and triumphs,
ONE MOMENT stands out like wildflowers fully bloomed in June,
filling my lungs with fragrance the way frankincense consumes a room,
glossing my eyes over with rose-colored dew,

More than words...
I cannot hear you, touch you, see you
but your world reached inside my soul,
undressed my spirit and caressed every morsel of my being,

I met a man long ago
or should I say I met his essence
I saw glimpses into his soul
that manifested in increments

Although the day is fait accompli,
fading far beyond my reach,
remnants of its fury remains,
it's bitter reflect weighs on my brain,

It took deep observation
to uncover a simple revelation
beyond a darkened pathway
appears a perfect sunny day

I can’t remember if we had ever seen eye to eye,
but the last night I held on to you and cried.

My views bent to the left yours skewed to the right,

Kings, I am your image, your movements in dark shadows, your reflection in shallow waters, In the tears of your abandoned daughters, I am you.

Kings, I am your end before your life begun, endangered species through loaded guns, the agony of your orphaned sons, I am you.

The most intricate, mysterious and perplexing entity on this planet,
is a black woman's mind.
The most rejection, misrepresentation, and miseducation,
is of a black woman's heart.

Your eyes watched as my chained body is dragged across the great sea.
Brother, it's me!
Your whips and fist blazed down on my flesh,
and peeled my skin until it bleeds.

My Contender,
Let me be all that life holds for me,
allow me to achieve all Gods plans and purposes,
hold not a grudge to my accomplishments,

I‘m a sentiment in emotions you feel
I've prayed at the spot where you kneel
I'm a trinkle in teardrops you've cried
tormented in the place where you lie

Ode to my gentle peace,
arrived at a calm release,
through intimate means opposites attracts,
from the curve of his fingers,

Shar Thompson Biography

A cheery child who came from sunshine and suffering, grown into a flower out of faith & frigidity is now a thoroughbred striving through and will continue with each breath, to be fruitful in his favor.)

The Best Poem Of Shar Thompson


Where, oh where, does misery end,
who determines your share,
my cup runneth over,
my worlds in constant fear,
falling short, failing love,
time and time again,
oh where, oh where, does misery end.
If I should find a key inscribed
happiness this unlocks,
I'd discover the source of its guise
Leads to Pandora's box,
all that's sweet and filled with joy,
was not meant for me,
misery, oh misery, is my only company.


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