Angela Unique Raine

Angela Unique Raine Poems

How can you face up
to reality? when your
recollection is lost?


When the river runs deep,

don't take it personally just
because you're not qualified for my worth.

No one wants
to ever agonize
that pain,


My vitality has been quite a voyage.

It's not enough words to explain
Our thoughts, our hurts,
Our pains.

I'm still advancing to the top; I rise,
waiting like an eagle in the sky.

To the top, I climb,

When one speaks of love emanating directly from the essence, it is a consequence that instructs careful deliberation.

As the sanity surrenders itself to the depths of emotion, a sense of sorrow may envelop it, leading to a profound introspection.

The eagle joyfully soars on the gentle breezes as it falls and gracefully slides carefully down the river until the river diverts its flow, while flapping its wings in the warm salty water, adopted by the blue sky. It struggles to fly. The majestic eagle, with its impressive wingspan and powerful physique, effortlessly navigates the vast expanse of the sky. It skillfully takes advantage of the gentle breezes, using them as a means to propel itself forward with unparalleled ease, force, and dignity. As it descends toward the river, the eagle's wings extend outward, and the majestic eagle effortlessly soars through the air, riding the gentle breeze with pure joy.

As worry and stress consume the air, constantly pulling at me.

Nervous thoughts take over my mind, dancing with a frenetic beat.

How do we face up to existence?
When remembrance is lost in quietude:

Rescinded by dignity, shattered in an empty shell, life unhurriedly obliterates itself.

When stillness prevails, rising angels sing, shining stars

When stillness prevails,

yo listen up it never fails so pay close attention
real dreams are made out God's products seek him and you shall rise again his promises goes as far as us at all times we keep rocking with him until his blessings start to grow we pay him back with full and good intentions cause that's just how it goes the more you give you get in riches in do time at all times we will rise at all times
so be careful what you ask for at all times
be careful what you pray for at all times

oh yeah
while I'm sitting here thinking about myself and all the times when I was running around silent without a sound

I hid my voice at the end of the day from the crowd, and times, times when I distance myself from loud now that I made it out now, now that

Since day one before the recognition of God's existence, Luminous stimulated shine

Distinct hankering gleam glowing within me A sensation A brilliance of success

To the top, I rise to reach for the
horizons. Dreams have no limitations,

To the top, I rise above, propelling

For decades, I faced rage, head on,
face to face, We made eye contact,
I stared evil in the face, evil went insane

Every day I expend alone in stillness, conceding to God.

Taking the time out to enhance my level of growth.

Always keep allegiance. And strive for your Moira.

God will certainly accomplish your conditions.


Life is my fight. I inhale, then I exhale.

My rush is my fight; life has fair chances.

The sky is the limit.
We only live one life.

Our days on earth are limited

The Best Poem Of Angela Unique Raine

Lost In Dementia

How can you face up
to reality? when your
recollection is lost?

And the only thing is
left in a empty shell,
.life rapidly erasing

when do we suddenly
find the time to prepare
ourselves for lost?

we don't, we find a way,
we pray away pain as we slowly fade away.

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